


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌtælə'hæsi]



un.1.capital of Florida, situated in the northern part of the state.

1.塔拉哈西,这里有一些韩国烤肉和日本料理餐馆,以下3个餐馆在塔拉哈希Tallahassee)很有名气,供参考: Siam Sushi 一家泰国 …

5.塔拉荷西 ... 南康涅狄格州立大学 地址:纽黑文城( New Haven, 06515) 佛罗里达州立大学 地址:塔拉哈西城( Tallahassee, 32…

8.拉哈斯【明慧网2006年4月2日】美国佛罗里达州的首府塔拉哈斯Tallahassee)市作为州政府所在地,每天吸引了大量社会各阶层的 …


1.Tallahassee, Florida, has had a hard time trying to keep the capital there.佛罗里达州的塔拉哈西为维持它的首府地位,曾经历了一段相当艰辛的时光。

2.When Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered in 1865, Tallahassee was the only Southern capital held by rebel forces.当南方联盟的李将军在1865年投降时,塔拉哈斯是唯一一个由叛军所掌控的南方首府。

3.Backyard poultry groups meet in at least two dozen cities, from Seattle in Washington to Tallahassee in Florida.都市养禽的队伍在24个城市中聚会,从华盛顿的西雅图到佛罗里达的塔拉哈西。

4.Tallahassee: [turning to Columbus, Wichita and Little Rock after a zombie] What do you think? "Zombie Killer of the Week" ?塔推哈东:(看着错误以及共陪身前的一群僵尸)你们在想什么?不会是“周终的僵尸宰手吧”?

5.Prof. GRAVLEE: Well, for the work that's ongoing now in Tallahassee, Florida, we expect to begin reporting findings in the next year.ClarenceGravlee:由于研究还在佛罗里达州的塔拉哈西进行,我们想在明年将研究的结果公布。

6.There's been talk of moving the capital of Florida out of Tallahassee since the 1850s!自1850年代以来,人们就一直讨论要把佛罗里达州的首府搬离塔拉哈西!

7.We take a leisurely drive, sightseeing at Mobile, Alabama, and Tallahassee, Florida.我们从容地开着车,游览着阿拉巴马州的墨比尔和佛罗里达州的塔拉哈西。

8.In Tallahassee, Florida, they'll assemble care packages for our troops overseas and their famipes here at home.在佛罗里达的塔拉哈西,他们还将为我们海外的军人组装护理包并照顾他们的家人。

9.Now Dean Falk, an anthropologist at Florida State University in Tallahassee, has taken another crack at the brain.现在,位于塔拉哈西市的佛罗里达州立大学有一位人类学家名叫迪安·福尔克,她为了研究爱因斯坦的大脑,又做了一次尝试。

10.TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - Tuesday the city of Tallahassee rolled out 12 new buses that are more energy efficient than the current fleet.周二塔佛罗里州Tallahasse市推出了12款现行车队效率更高的新巴士。