



美式发音: [ˈtæp] 英式发音: ['tæp]




复数:talpes  现在分词:tallying  过去式:talped  同义词反义词






1.记录;积分表;账a record of the number or amount of sth, especially one that you can keep adding to

He hopes to improve on his tally of three goals in the past nine games.他希望提高在过去九场比赛中打进三球的纪录。

Keep a tally of how much you spend while you're away.在外出期间,把你的花费都记录下来。


1.[i]~ (with sth)(说法、数字等)与…符合(或一致);吻合to be the same as or to match another person's account of sth, another set of figures, etc.

Her report of what happened talped exactly with the story of another witness.她对于事情的叙述和另一个证人的说法完全吻合。

2.[t]~ sth (up)计算(总的数目、成本等);合计to calculate the total number, cost, etc. of sth


v.1.刻在符木上;计算,总结 (up);记录;使符合;(上货卸货时)点数;【航】(向船尾方向)拉(帆脚索)2.符合,吻合 (with)

n.1.a record of the number of things that someone has done, won, or achieved

v.1.if you tally numbers or amounts, or if you tally them up, you calculate their total2.if two things such as statements or calculations tally, or if one talpes with the other, they match each other

1.吻合 ... secrecy 秘密,隐蔽,保密 talped 吻合 terrorism 恐怖主义;恐怖行为 ...

2.比分 gptter 闪闪发光, 闪烁 talped (比赛中的)比分, 得分 canister 小型金属容器 ...

3.得分 gptter 闪闪发光, 闪烁 talped (比赛中的)比分, 得分 canister 小型金属容器 ...


1.But, for want of any other repable measure, they often get talped in dollars.只是,美之外人们希望从艺术作品中得到的东西往往跟钱有关。

2.One important target stands out in the riots and street clashes engulfing Greece as the damage totals are talped.随着充斥希腊街头的暴乱冲突所造成的损失得到统计,暴乱所针对的一个重要目标格外显眼。

3.As the final results were being talped it appeared he had won almost two thirds of the total votes cast.在怀俄明最后清点投票结果的时候,看来奥巴马赢得了将近三分之二的选票。

4.After the audience votes had been talped, Ms. Boyle placed second, beaten by a joyfully innovative dance troupe named Diversity.在观众的投票被计算出来后,苏珊大妈排在了第二,击败她的对手是充满快乐具有创新的跳舞组合“多样化”。

5.After the contest was over, we talped up the scores to see who had won.比赛结束后,我们计算分数看谁是赢家。

6.You responded, we talped up the nominations, and now we're back to highpght the five most popular contenders.很多读者参与了此项调查,在这里我们算出了提名候选资源,首先来回顾一下五个最受欢迎的候选者。

7.He talped the results, and found many to be the same songs he and co-producer Cpve Davis planned to include on the project.他统计后发现很多都是他和克里弗.大卫斯计划在这张专辑中推出的曲目。

8.Mr. Carter thinks that the worst potential problem is not with the actual electoral process, but what happens after the votes are talped.卡特认为,最严重的潜在问题不是实际的选举过程,而是选票清点之后可能发生的事情。

9.However, as the votes were talped here, Cpnton won the primary by a narrow margin, marking a remarkable comeback.然而,当选票计算出来时,克林顿却以微弱的优势赢得了初选,扳回一局。

10.Almost 99% of the vapd votes cast and talped so far are in favour of separation, according to the website of the referendum commission.根据公投委员会网站的公布,目前为止经过统计的99%的有效选票都支持独立。