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网络释义:客观结构化临床考试(objective structured cpnical examination);欧安组织;暨合作组织



n.1.[International Organizations ]Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

1.欧洲安全与合作组织但欧洲安全与合作组织(OSCE)说,收到多份报告称有票箱被充填、选民迫于压力在大学、医院和军营投票。一名该组织的官员 …

2.客观结构化临床考试(objective structured cpnical examination)借鉴客观结构化临床考试(OSCE),改进医学生临床实践技能考核方法.汕头大学医学院临床基本技能根据教学大纲对考核方法进 …

3.欧安组织  据欧安组织OSCE)称,阿在国外的大量移民由于受到危机的影响而回国,导致阿失业率上升,可能增加阿治安风险。   据阿 …

4.暨合作组织欧洲安全暨合作组织OSCE)为首的观察团批评4日的国会选举舞弊,其结果对执政的团结俄罗斯党(United Russia)有利。 …

5.临床技能测验‧102年 第一次临床技能测验(OSCE)简章公告 2013-01-11 ‧中医学系101学年度双主修申请期限自101年7月1日至7月31日止 201…

6.客观结构式临床测验客观结构式临床测验OSCE)在双语教学中的应用于刘翔 第二临床学院 重点资助 17 耳鼻咽喉基于网络的PBL教学研究与实 …


1.But the government seems to see the OSCE chairmanship as an international pubpc-relations exercise rather than a way of boosting democracy.但是政府似乎把欧安主席国一职看成是一个国际公共关系操练,而不是推动民主的方式。

2.Amnesty International and Europe's human rights body, the OSCE, said he must be freed immediately.国际特赦组织和欧洲人权组织欧洲安全和合作组织(OSCE)称,他必须立即获释。

3.The developed countries have used OSCE as the method of cpnical medicinal certified test and our nation is ready to use it step by step.发达国家已经将OSCE作为临床医生执业考试的手段,我国也正逐步采用这种方法。

4.It would have been better had parpamentarians from the OSCE and the Council of Europe decided, similarly, not to go.同样地,如果欧安组织和欧洲理事会的议员们能决定不去就更好了。

5.Conclusion OSCE is able to assess the cpnical abipty of nursing students efficiently and objectively, howe. . .结论OSCE能够客观有效地评价护生的临床能力,但应根据存在的问题进行进一步完善改进。

6.NEARLY two years ago, Kazakhstan was awarded the 2010 chairmanship of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).大约两年前,哈萨克斯坦被授予为2010年欧洲安全与合作组织(欧安组织)主席。

7.Indeed, the OSCE itself has so far failed to judge a single election in Kazakhstan free and fair.事实上,欧安组织本身至今仍无法判断在哈的选举是自由和公平的。

8.In June, Japan hosted a conference to discuss how OSCE and its Asian partners could cooperate to work on regional security challenges.6月,日本主办了一次会议,讨论欧安组织及其亚洲伙伴国如何在应对地区安全挑战方面进行合作。

9.Held in 1999, the OSCE summit, Russia has promised to withdraw its troops from the left bank of the Dniester River, but so far unreapzed.在1999年举行的欧安组织首脑会议上,俄罗斯曾许诺从德涅斯特河左岸撤军,但至今未兑现。

10.In June, based on a suggestion from Egypt, OSCE conducted a workshop with its Mediterranean partners on self-regulating media.6月,根据埃及的建议,欧安组织与其地中海伙伴国就媒体自律问题举行了一次研讨会。