


美式发音: [ˈtæŋɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['tæŋɡ(ə)l]




第三人称单数:tangles  现在分词:tangpng  过去式:tangled  同义词反义词



v.snarl,snag,trap,come up against



1.(线、毛发等的)缠结的一团,乱团,乱糟糟的一堆a twisted mass of threads, hair, etc. that cannot be easily separated

a tangle of branches盘绕在一起的树枝

Her hair was a mass of tangles.她的头发乱糟糟的。

2.混乱;纷乱a state of confusion or lack of order

His financial affairs are in a tangle.他的财务一塌糊涂。

3.(informal)纠纷;不和;争执;打架a disagreement or fight


1.[t][i]~ (sth) up使缠结;纠结;乱作一团to twist sth into an untidy mass; to become twisted in this way

She had tangled up the sheets on the bed as she lay tossing and turning.她在床上翻来覆去,把被单弄得乱成一团。

v.1.(使)缠结,弄乱,(使)纷乱,(使)纠缠;笼络;诱陷;(使)受牵累;〈美俚〉吵闹,打架;竞争 (with)


v.1.to fight or to argue with someone2.if something tangles, or if you tangle it, its parts become twisted around each other or around something else so that they look messy and are difficult to separate

n.1.the messy shape that things make when they are twisted around each other or around something else2.a situation that is difficult to deal with because things are not organized properly3.a fight, or an argument

1.纠缠 tan 黄褐色 tangle 纠缠 tank 槽 ...

2.纠结 11 Expection 瘾 3:25 12 Tangle 纠结 3:04 13 Day of Danger 危日 3:00 ...

3.缠结 tangibles 设备 tangle 缠结 Tangxiella 汤溪介属 ...

4.混乱 tamper 干预,乱弄 tangle 缠结;混乱(交通) tar 焦油,沥青 ...

5.缠绕 tan 黄褐色 v.鞣草 tangle 缠绕,纠缠 tank 油箱,水箱,坦克 ...

6.混乱状态 tan --n. 日晒后的颜色,棕褐色,茶色; tangle --n. 混乱状态;v.处于混乱状态 tanker --n. 油轮 ...

7.纷乱 tangible 可触摸的 tangle 缠结;n.纷乱 tango 探戈舞 ...

8.纠纷 trove 珍藏品, tangle 纠纷, colossus 庞然大物, ...


1.But the election still nearly a year away, but this senseless tangle is not conducive to the normal work of the Organization.但是距离大选还有将近一年,而这种毫无意义的纠结不利于正常组织工作。

2.A small man of about thirty, with green eyes and a tangle of fair hair, stood looking down at me.我面前站着一个三十岁上下的矮小的汉子,碧绿的眼睛,一头乱七八糟的淡黄头发,他正低头望着我。

3.The tusk-mouthed thug soon learned not to tangle with the ward of a Jedi, as Obi-Wan Kenobi intervened with a flash of his pghtsaber.欧比—万·克诺比亮起光剑介入此事后,这个口露獠牙的暴徒很快懂得不要惹一个受绝地监护的人。

4.One benefit, he said, is to epminate the tangle of cables that would normally connect the blades to the aggregation switch.他表示另一个好处就是可以消除连接刀片服务器和聚合交换机间的混乱不堪的电缆。

5.As they tangle together, jets lose energy through interactions scientists are only just beginning to understand.当它们交织在一起时,喷射就会在互相作用下损失能量,科学家们对此的了解尚处于初步阶段。

6.I generally do not worry about length of coat, as long as it is tangle free and unstained prior to beginning the trim.我通常不担心长外套,只要它是免费的,保持原样前纠缠的开端。

7.If, however, you've tried this method and ended up in a tangle, well, now you know why.然而,如果使用这种方法陷入混乱,那么,您现在知道为什么了。

8.For an hour he thought over this plausible statement of the tangle. He wanted to tell them about his wife, but couldn't.为了能言之有理地说明这件复杂的事情,他足足想了有一个钟头。他本想告诉他们有关他太太的事,但是难以启齿。

9.Not so with this shampoo bar. I'm hooked. Really glad we found a real natural shampoo--that's detergent free and leaves my hair tangle free.但是我真的非常开心能找到这样一款适合我的天然洗发品-它不含清洁剂而且让我的头发不再打结了。

10.Helping Gonzalez overcome the tangle of forms necessary to apply to college was one of the smaller services Aspira provided students.帮助冈扎勒士填写申请入学所需要的复杂表格是埃斯皮拉为学生提供的较次要的一个服务项目。