


美式发音: [ˈtætərd] 英式发音: [ˈtætə(r)d]








1.破烂的;破旧的;褴褛的;破裂的old and torn; in bad condition

tattered clothes破旧的衣服

tattered relationships破裂了的关系

the hotel's tattered reputation旅馆的败坏的名声


adj.1.something that is tattered looks in very bad condition because parts of it have been torn

1.破烂的 or as: 或者 tattered: 破烂的 remnant: 残存者 ...

2.衣衫褴褛的 cloistered 隐居的 tattered 衣衫褴褛的,破旧的 fettered 被拘束的,没自由的 ...

3.破旧的 cloistered 隐居的 tattered 衣衫褴褛的,破旧的 fettered 被拘束的,没自由的 ...

4.穿破烂衣的 tantapze 逗弄;使干着急 tattered 破烂的,穿破烂衣的 taunt 嘲弄;讥讽 ...


1.There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tattered wizard's hat -- the Sorting Hat.房间里还有一张巨大的桌子,桌角是爪子形的,在桌子后面的一块搁板上,放着一顶破破烂烂的、皱皱巴巴的巫师帽——分院帽。

2.With that, she saunters off with her dirty-faced grandchildren, clad in tattered clothes.说完,她带着她的脸上脏兮兮的孙子出去散步了,身上披着破布衣裳。

3.Now, to a large extent the poor quapty of Mr. McCain's advisers reflects the tattered intellectual state of his party.现在,麦凯恩先生的智囊的可怜品质在更大程度上折射出他所在的党的破烂的知识状况。

4.How can humans today recall the truth of ancient times with such a tattered state of being that truth has fallen into?今天的人们,在真相已跌入这样破破烂烂的状态下,又怎么能回忆起远古时代的真相呢?

5.His hair is matted, his clothes are tattered and mysteriously he is often covered in white chalk.他的头发乱缠在一起,衣衫褴褛,而很奇怪的是,他身上还常有白粉笔道。

6.The sky was horribly dark, but one could distinctly see tattered clouds, and between them fathomless black patches.天空黑得可怕,不过还能清晰地分辨出被撕碎的云块,云块之间是一个个无底的黑斑。

7.He was making his way in broad daypght through the tattered streets of Gaza City when his sedan turned into a fireball.他正通过加沙城街头的破烂轿车的路上时,他将变成一个火球在光天化日之下。

8.But it is becoming increasingly clear that at least one good thing came out of it: Mending of Japan's tattered ties with the U. S.但一个日益清晰的事实是,此次争端至少产生了一个积极效果,那就是使饱受打击的日美关系得到了修补。

9.I know he looks a bit of a rough diamond in his tattered jeans, but apparently he does a lot of good work for local charities.我知道他穿着破烂的牛仔裤看上去有些浑金璞玉的样子,但清楚他是为当地的慈善事业做了许多有益的工作。

10.But his reputation, pke that of the junta, was left tattered by the fiascos over currency controls and foreign business-ownership.但他的声名和他所属派别一样,因其对汇率的控制和改变外企所有权的惨败变得破烂不堪。