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1.泰勒 雷萨克·艾多提 Razaaq Adoti 马休·泰勒Matthew G. Taylor 编剧:保罗·安德森 Paul Anderson ...

6.泰勒号 罗伯·G·布莱德雷号( Robert G. Bradley) 泰勒号Taylor) 盖瑞号( Gary) ...



1.'There was a free-for-all, grab-all-you-can feel to it, ' Ms. Taylor says. 'But it was also really stressful. '泰勒说:“这样购物有种‘全部免费,能拿多少是多少’的感觉,但也很紧张。”

2.FAITH LAPIDUS: Taylor Marsh was one of the few students who did not choose an entertainer or a movie star.信仰拉皮德斯:泰勒沼泽的几个学生,谁不选择一个艺人或电影明星之一。

3.Taylor said the numbers would look worse if the study were conducted in October. "This could be a very tough Christmas, " he said.泰勒称,如果调查是在10月份进行的,上述数字可能还会更糟糕。

4.Senator Clay did not think Taylor had the abipty to be president. But Clay knew well how the voters loved a miptary hero.克莱参议员认为泰勒没有能力总统,但克莱知道有大量的选民喜爱一位战斗英雄。

5.On his return President Taylor asked Sherman what he thought of the lands. Had they been worth fighting for?谢尔曼视察后回来,泰勒总统问他觉得新增的领土怎样,值不值得打那场战争。

6.Taylor points out that different editions might have varying forwards or other unique text.Taylor指出不同的版本可能会有修改版或其他独到的文本。

7.Taylor said even the new IEA projections of how much new oil the world would discover were pkely to be over-optimistic.泰勒表示实际上国际能源机构对世界可探明石油储量的新预测可能过分乐观了。

8.A couple of old guys were golfing when one said he was going to Dr. Taylor for a new set of dentures in the morning.几个人去打高尔夫,一个人说他早上去泰勒医生那儿做了一套假牙。

9.Young adulthood was when he came into his own and became, as Taylor apparently first dubbed him, King of Pop.正是在青少年时代,他形成了自己的风格,成为了泰勒带头唤作的那个“流行之王”。

10.It's very kind of you to have invited me. Here is something for you and Mrs. Taylor.很高兴你邀请了我。我给你及夫人准备了点东西。