




1.周小姐 谁家有酒卖杏花? same style 周家大小姐 Miss Zhou 非常担心 super nervous ...

3.苏州市区苏州市区Miss zhou):最近给我的老电脑增加了内存来升级,主板是两年前买的某品牌的G31,主板上有4个内存插槽,原 …

4.婚礼跟拍前一篇:亚欧大厦婚礼纪实 婚礼跟拍Miss Zhou)后一篇:宁卧庄宾馆婚礼纪实(Mr.Li) < 前一篇亚欧大厦婚礼纪实 婚礼跟拍…


1."Miss Zhou looks fashionable today. " One of the men said. Well, it's fashion enough to call an unmarried woman "miss" .“密斯周今天好时髦!”男子中的一个说。称未嫁的女子为“密斯”也是时髦。

2.Miss Fan and Luo continued to see each other in the company of Wen and Miss Zhou.罗与密斯范仍旧天天见面,见面总是四个人在一起。

3.Miss Zhou to obtain loans in the bank 's mortgage market in Shenyang on a larger scale bank.周小姐获得贷款的这家银行是沈阳房贷市场上规模较大的银行。

4.Being jealous of Miss Li's excellent performance, Miss Zhou spread sarcastic gossip about her everywhere.周小姐看见李小姐的工作出色,就到处说风凉话。

5.yesterday, Miss Zhou visited Hangzhou Building after Journapst issued such emotion.昨天,周小姐参观了杭州大厦发出后,记者如此激动。

6.Miss Zhou was active, bold, and unconstrained, which was admired by everyone. They thought that she could stand for the new women.密斯周的活泼豪放,是大家都佩服的,认为能够代表新女性。

7.Middle School. I'm in Class One, Grade Two. My Chinese teacher is Miss Zhou.学上学。我在二年级一班。我的汉语老师是周艳老师。我非常喜欢汉。

8.No one but Miss Zhou noticed the flowers on the table changed.除周小姐外,没有人注意到桌子上的花被换过。

9.In other to catch the first bus, Miss Zhou raised very early.为了赶早班车,周小姐起得很早。

10.Let Miss Zhou be your guide if you are going downtown.如果你要上街,让周小姐陪你去吧。