




1.钱 As your loyalty 作为您的忠诚度 Your money 你的钱 Your handsome 你的英俊 ...

3.你的金钱《金钱》(Money)杂志的个人理财作家,CNN「你的金钱」(Your Money)节目,以及ABC《早安美国》(Good Morning …

4.改善财务状况 Get Fit as You Get Older 越活越健康 YOUR MONEY 理财:改善财务状况 Recycle Old Gadgets for Cash 通过废物再利用挣 …

5.你方的资产8 D) y m. y# q( m) ]' IVostro是记录在我方账本上(our account)的你方的资产(your money),但这笔资产由我方保管(held by us).


1.There may be no such thing as a free lunch, but continuation servers seem to give you the next best thing: excellent value for your money.或许天下没有完全免费的午餐,但continuation服务器可为您带来近乎完美的东西,帮助您节省大量资金。

2.Remember: It's much easier to stick to a reasonable budget that allows you to have a pttle fun with your money.谨记:遵守一个合理的预算计划是非常容易的,而且还会给你带来与财富相伴的快乐。

3.If you were to do business with people who only paid pp service to you, you might as well give them all your money!如果要跟一个口不对心的人做生意,倒不如把你的钱直接送给他吧!

4.If you're spending money as if it was your money and nobody else has a right to tell you what to do with it, your relationship is doomed.如果你还是像以前一样大手大脚觉得别人没权利对你指手画脚,那么你们的感情就完了。

5.We work closely with our Field Partners to ensure that you know exactly where your money is going.我们与当地的伙伴密切合作以保证您确切掌握您捐助款的去向。

6.Before they leave their power seats, they intend to destroy all that they have gathered with your money rather than handing it over to you.在他们走下权力的宝座之前,他们想破坏他们用你们的钱所做的一切,而不是把这些成果归还给你们。

7.I will introduce you to him, for it will be necessary he should know you , as he is to pay your money.我自然会介绍你们和他见面,他必需见了你们二位的面才能付钱给你们。

8.The fear level is too high around the globe, and sitting on your money is the safest investment available, even if it pays nothing.现在全球都非常恐慌,把钱放在屁股底下是最稳妥的投资,尽管没有利息。

9.The stock market can be a good place to invest some of your money, but it is also risky, especially if you do not know much about stocks.股票市场可以是很好的投资管道,但是风险也很大,尤其是当你对股票瞭解不深,就得负担更大的风险。

10.And when there were complaints about budget, I said, well, it's worth doing the island because you get twice for your money -- reflections.每当有人抱怨预算时,我说,因为镜像的原因你可以实现两倍的钱的效果,所以值得建造这个岛。