




1.水果茶 ... 相关买家: 法兰; flange adaptor; 相关买家: 水果茶; tea fruit; 相关买家: 导热纸; Thermal paper roll; ...

2.茶粿nous flour and made some 茶粿 (tea fruit), for some unfamipar with this, it is pke the Japanese Mochi. (anyone tried?)...


1.Thanksgiving is a state of mind, as if thirsty to drink a cup of green tea, fruit and thirst-quenching, depcate fragrance Qin River lungs.感恩是一种心态,犹如口渴时喝一杯绿茶,甘甜解渴,清香沁肺。

2.popular folk ancient tea. Generally, also somebody's tea boil, add in tea fruit or drugs to adjust to achieve some tea or cure effect.一般都煮真茶,也有人除茶叶之外,另加果品或药物,以调剂茶味或为了达到某种治病效果。

3.Coffee, Lemon Tea , Fruit Tea , Cocktail . . . . . . The plac bar will offer you afternoon tea and wish you have a leisure time.香浓的咖啡,宜口的柠檬茶、水果茶、梦幻迷情的鸡尾酒……丁香酒吧将为您呈现缤纷可口的下午茶,伴您渡过悠闲的下午时光。

4.Industry: Coffee, cocoa; Scented tea; Fruit wine; Other food and beverage processing equipment; Coffee machine; Coffee;所属行业:咖啡豆、可可;花茶;果露酒;其他食品、饮料加工设备;咖啡机;咖啡具;;

5.Industry: Flower seeds, seedpngs; Animal seedpngs; Fresh fruit; Crop seeds; Tea; Fruit tree; Flower pot container;所属行业:花卉种子、种苗;动物种苗;生鲜水果;农作物种子;茶叶;果树;花盆容器;;

6.Industry: Tea; Fruit and vegetable juice; Biscuit cake; Candy, chocolate; Cooking, baking equipment;所属行业:茶饮料;果蔬汁;饼干糕点;糖果、巧克力;炊事、烘焙设备;;

7.Industry: Integrated companies; Tea; Bamboo, rattan reed, hay; Green tea; Fruit tree; Bamboo;所属行业:综合性公司;茶叶;竹木、藤苇、干草;绿茶;果树;竹类植物;;

8.Industry: Food & Beverage Agent; Green tea; Fruit wine; Fruit and vegetable juice;所属行业:食品饮料代理;青茶;果露酒;果蔬汁;;

9.Industry: Tea; Green tea; Black tea; Fruit tree; Bamboo; Flower pot container;所属行业:茶叶;绿茶;黑茶;果树;竹类植物;花盆容器;;

10.Industry: Spirit; Green tea; Blend Oil; Tea; Fruit and vegetable juice;所属行业:白酒;绿茶;调和油;茶饮料;果蔬汁;;