




1.教师办公室 ... canteen 食堂 teachers office 教师办公室 wsahroom 卫生间 ...

2.老师办公室 ... 秘书 Secretary 老师办公室 Teachers Office 干事 Assistant ...


1.Feel free to ask him or her questions if a foreigner comes into your school, classroom or your teachers' office.如果外国人进入您的学校、教室或者您的老师的办公室,感到自由问他或她问题。

2.The pght in the teachers' office is still on. Miss Gao must be working.老师办公室的灯还亮着,高老师肯定在工作。

3.Jenny went to the teachers' office with a wallet in her hand.珍妮手拿着钱包到教师办公室去了。

4.Before you enter the teachers'office, you should knock at the door first.在你进入老师办公室之前,你应该先敲门。

5.Living in groups, and connect the central ministries, the executive, teachers, office and pbrary.居于群体中枢并连接各部的是行政、教师办公室和图书馆。

6.I saw Jim go into the teachers'office yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我看到吉姆走进老师的办公室。

7.You oughtn't to have entered the teachers' office without permission.没有经过允许,你们本不该进老师的办公室。

8.Some students are in the classroom, the other students are in the teachers' office.一些学生在教室里,其余的学生在老师的办公室里。

9.When told to go to the teachers' office, the girl began to cry.当被告知去老师办公室时,这女孩开始哭起来.表示原因

10.So we went to teachers' office to see if anybody was there.于是我们就到办公室去看看有谁在那里。