


美式发音: [zed] 英式发音: [zed]


网络释义:泽德;劫;终端设(ZigBee End Device)




n.1.the letterZin British Engpsh, used for showing how it is pronounced

1.泽德 Master of Shadow 影流之主 Zed Piltover Enforcer 皮城执法官 ...

3.终端设(ZigBee End Device)路由器ZR(ZigBee Router)和终端设备ZEDZigBee End Device)。

4.吉批濑 ... (拔)豆(碰,摸)掟 déng3 (搜,翻)挤(放)搦(拿) 捽(揉) 掴(用掌打) 省(擦) 吉(扎,刺)批(削)濑(洒) 枳 zed1 (盯)眯 méi1 ...


1.Fred : Well, you know that Zed and Zoe have been having a bit of an up and down time recently? Well. . .弗莱德:唔,你知道柴德和柔伊最近的状况时好时坏?

2.ZED products offer a design service and a range of green roof habitats most suited to the ecology of a particular site.ZED产品提供一个设计服务和一系列最适合特殊地点的均衡系统的绿色屋顶环境。

3.ZED standard house types also offer increased amenity by providing almost every home with its own private garden.低能耗开发项目的标准住宅类型给每家提供了自己的花园,使得住宅的舒适性增加。

4.ZEDs encourage less car use if it is planned in from the start so that people find they do not need to use their cars.ZED鼓励减少车辆的使用,如果是从开始设计的,这样人们发现他们不需要使用他们的车。

5.Below A street level view up a ZED scheme mews, with terraced gardens above shops facing the residential element on the left hand side.街道视角的ZED方案效果图,左边对着住宅的是位于商店顶部露台上的花园。

6.The ZED product detail have been research and the supply chain put in place to allow ZED's to compete with the conventional alternatives.ZED产品的细节得到了研究,而且合适的供应链使得它能与传统的建筑竞争。

7.The diagram below is a cross-section of a typical dwelpng in a ZED.下面的图表是一个典型的ZED住宅纵剖面。

8.Zed, a housekeeper in my apartment complex, said God was angry at sinners around the world, but especially in Haiti.泽德,是我们公寓的一个保洁工人,也说上帝对世界各地的造孽者很愤怒,尤其是对海地人民。

9.Zed: Things better and you should see that can not always looked at me.瑞德:“更美好的事情你也应该看到,不能老看著我。”

10.Just then, voices sounded in the next cavern over: "Zed, hold it higher. "就在这时候一个声音从洞穴的另一头传过来:“Z,把它举高一点。”