


美式发音: [ˈsent(ə)nˌeri] 英式发音: [senˈtiːnəri]


n.100 周年纪念


复数:centenaries  同义词



centenary显示所有例句n.— see alsobicentenary,tercentenary

1.100 周年纪念the 100th anniversary of an event

The club will celebrate its centenary next year.俱乐部明年要庆祝成立一百周年。

the centenary year一百周年纪念年



n.1.a centennial

1.百年 census n. 人口普查 centenary n. 一百年 ceramic adj. 陶器的 ...

3.百年纪念 census 人口调查 centenary 百年的;百年纪念 ceramic 陶瓷的;陶器的 ...

4.一百周年 2. attend vt. 参加 3. centenary adj. 一百周年(纪念) 4. praise vt. 称赞, 赞赏 ...

5.一百周年纪念 centenarian 百岁老人 centenary 一百周年纪念 millennium 一千年 ...

6.一百年的 cathedral n.大教堂 centenary n.一百年;a.一百年的 change n.变化,零钱;v.改变 ...

7.世纪上一篇:“世纪”(Centenary)钻石 下一篇:“奥尔洛夫”钻石 相关文章列表 “奥尔洛夫”钻石 第二大金刚石爱克赛西奥 “世纪”(Ce…

例句释义:,一百年的,一百周年纪念的,100 周年纪念,百年纪念,世纪

1.Summarizing the changes took place in the last centenary, and briefly introducing the plants in Island House.概述大埔与元洲仔于过去一百年的变化,并介绍于元洲仔园圃内的植物。

2.Harald and his wife Queen Sonja are in London for a three-day visit to mark the centenary of Norway's independence from Sweden.哈拉尔国王及其夫人索妮亚王后将对伦敦进行为期三天的访问,以纪念挪威脱离瑞典独立100周年。

3.She spent time in the Centenary Museum, viewing the exhibits about her grandfather and surveying all that he had begun.她在切尔西一百周年的纪念馆里呆了很久,参观有关于她祖父的展览品,还有关于他与切尔西的开始的一些研究。

4.The bizarre deal is part of a long-term project in the run-up to the centenary of the Dada artistic movement in 2016.这个奇怪的交易是在2016年纪念达达主义艺术运动100周年之前长期项目的一部分。

5.Three years until his centenary is time enough for a fresh biographer to put the record straight.据布里顿百年诞辰还有三年时光,足以让传记作家来澄清是非,披露真相。

6.As a case in point, we may see a fresh nationwide enthusiasm for Mao as China marked the centenary of his birth last week.作为一个例证,我们可以看一下上星期当中国庆祝他诞生一百周年时全国出现的一股新的毛泽东热。

7.Here, we review the work of Hebb and its lasting influence on neuroscience in honour of the 2004 centenary of his birth.在这里,我们的审查工作赫布和持久的影响,神经科学在纪念2004年他的百年诞辰。

8.The IEC, as the organizer, will coordinate the IEC Centenary Challenge, working closely with its partners.作为组织者,它将与合作者紧密合作办好“IEC百年挑战”活动。

9.As most of you will know it was the club's centenary year and the current owners spared no expense in the celebrations.你们都知道那是俱乐部的百年庆典,现在的这位老板毫不吝啬的让我们大肆庆祝。

10.Maybe you and I just stay on this earth only decade, or a centenary most. but, the way for human is long.或许我和你只能在这个地球上匆匆的停留几十年,最多一百年。可是,人类的脚步却不会停止。