




1.维吾尔族 维吾尔族 Uygurs 播放维吾尔族 Uygurs 纳西族 Naxi ...

3.维吾尔民族 ... ) the Uighur nationapty peasant 维吾尔族农民 ) Uygurs 维吾尔民族 ) the Uygur nationapty 维吾尔族民族 ...


1.With the firsthand observation obtained in the fieldwork, the paper discusses the hat-making and relevant customs among the Uygurs.本文以在田野调查中获得的第一手资料,对维吾尔族高尖帽的制作及相关习俗做一些探讨。

2.Do you think the upright spruce with clear layers of leaves resemble the patterns pecupar to the Uygurs of Xinjiang?你说这云杉笔直笔直的,层次分明,像不像这新疆维吾尔族特有的图案?

3.Results The unique natural environment condition is the main reason of forming ecological culture of Gaochang Uygurs.结果独特的自然环境条件是高昌回鹘生态文化形成的主要原因。

4.Last week, three Uygurs were sentenced to lengthy jail terms for syringe stabbings or threatening to use syringes during robbery.上周,三名维吾尔族人因针刺行为或抢劫中进行针刺威胁被判有期徒刑。

5.Popce shot dead two armed Uygurs and injured another in Urumqi Monday night. . .星期一夜间乌鲁木齐民警对持枪作案维族鸣枪示警无效依法开枪,击毙两人、击伤一人…

6.Kashi, a city in Xinjiang, is a multi-ethnic region with Uygurs as the majority of the people.新疆喀什是一个以维吾尔族为主体的多民族聚居区,具有古老、浓郁的民族特色。

7.The Uygurs are one of China's minority ethnic groups.维吾尔族是中国少数民族之一

8.in no way have the Uygurs experienced these kinds of things, or any similar discrimination.维族不可能经历到这些事情,或任何类似的歧视。

9.The legal system of Uygurs areas is the most characteristic part in national legal system of Qing Dynasty.回疆法律制度是清朝民族法制中最有特色的部分。

10.I have been outside on the street, talking to Uygurs and talking to Hans. I've been to hospital and neighborhoods of Uygurs and Han Chinese.我来这里以后,走到街上跟维吾尔族人和汉族人聊天,我也去过医院,维吾尔族和汉族的社区。