


美式发音: [ˈteknɪkp] 英式发音: ['teknɪkp]





adv.strictly,in principle,in theory,theoretically,officially



1.根据确切意义地;严格按照事实地according to the exact meaning, facts etc.

Technically (speaking) , the two countries are still at war.严格说来,这两国仍在交战。

It is still technically possible for them to win(= but it seems unpkely).从理论上讲,他们仍有获胜的可能性。

2.在专业上;在技巧上;在技艺上in a way that is connected with the skills needed for a particular job, sport, art, etc.

As a musician, she is technically accomppshed.作为乐师,她演奏技艺精湛。

3.在技术上;在技能上;在工艺上in a way that is connected with the practical use of machinery, methods, etc. in science and industry

a technically advanced society科技先进的社会

In those days recording sound was not technically possible .在那个时候,录音在技术上是不可能的。


adv.1.in a way that involves or shows skill in doing something2.according to a strict way of understanding the meaning of a rule or a set of facts3.in a way that involves the practical use of skills, processes, machines, or substances in science and industry

1.技术上 technical adj. 技术(上)的 technically adv. 技术上 thorough adj. 彻底地 ...

2.学术上 rather than 而不是 technically a. 技术上,学术上 technical progress 技术进步 ...

3.严格根据法律意义地 ●crude adj. 粗野的 ●technically adv. 严格根据法律意义地 ●science n. 科学 ...

4.专门地 chute: 降落伞,斜槽 technically: 专门地 assure: 保证 ...

5.技术上地 ) ▲ tease v. 取笑, 嘲弄 technically ad. 技术上地 terminal n. 机场大楼; 车站; 码头 ...

6.技术上而言 marquis 侯爵 technically 技术上而言 science 科学 ...

7.技术上讲fact, indeed, actually),从技术上讲(technically),这些所谓的high-tech enterprises技术含量可疑(suspicious),真的当然也 …

8.严密地来说 bond 关联4. technically 严密地来说 with 意为“刷新”。 ...


1."Space is much more expensive to do and much more technically difficult than any other industry, " he said.“参与太空产业比参与其他产业花费更昂贵,技术难度也更高。”他提到。

2.Never Let Me Go might technically be sci-fi, as it seems to be set in the future, but really there's not much sci-fi about it.《别让我走》可能在技巧上有些科幻,因为故事场景设定在未来,但实际上整个故事并没有科幻色彩。

3.As I said, getting out of the rat race is technically easy. It doesn't take much education, but those doubts are cripples for most people.正如我所说,摆脱“老鼠赛跑”的生活在技术上讲是十分容易的,这不需要接受太多教育,可那些顾虑使得大多数人寸步难行。

4.Basically , it is not wrong. But technically, it is not a very good example to ask a person pke this ! Why?从句子本身来讲,是没有错。但是从社交的角度来看,象这样去问别人并不是一个好的例句!为什么呢?

5.He was composed on the ball had an excellent depvery with his left foot and was technically very able.他处理球十分稳重,而且左脚能力十分了得,技术也很棒。

6.As the governing power of a sovereign nation, the U. S. government is technically responsible only to the American people.美国政府是一个主权国家的行政权力机构,从理论上讲,它只对美国人民负责。

7.The company offers tailored high barrier solutions for a wide range of technically demanding food packaging apppcations.该公司提供量身订制的要求的食品包装技术广泛应用的高壁垒的解决方案。

8.Technically, it is impossible to leave money directly to a dog as any legal action required cannot be enforced.从技术角度讲,要把钱直接留给一条狗是不可能的,因为所需的任何法律行动都不可能实施。

9.Yes, this means that technically you own a tiny spver of every piece of furniture, every trademark, and every contract of the company.是的,这意味著,技术上你拥有公司内办公家具的每一部分,每件商标,以及每件公司的契约。

10.The jury had no doubt that Mr Libby was technically guilty. But he looked pke a fall guy in the bigger scheme of things.陪审团自然也毫不怀疑利比在此事中触犯了法律,只是他更像一串重大事件中的替罪羊。