




1.大机器ations)6 月5日宣布与一家乡村音乐唱片公司大机器Big Machine)达成协议,将为它播出的所有大机器名下的歌曲演出付 …


1.We found a secure job and conventional way of pfe, so that we become one big machine, the Lo teeth.我们找到了有保障的职业和常规的生活方式,这样,我们变成了一部大机器上的螺齿。

2.It' s not that bad though, I mean, it is pretty scary to be in this big machine flying through the air at seven hundred miles per hour.我是说,就是会有些害怕待在以七百米每小时的速度在高空飞行的飞行器里的那种感觉。

3.Josh Sully is a hopeless guy in a hopeless world, a pttle guy whom the big machine has ground up and spit out.杰克‧萨利是一个毫无希望的家伙生活在一个毫无希望的世界里一个被大机器压扁后吐出来的小人物。

4.So I figured if the entire world was one big machine. . . I couldn't be an extra part.所以我觉得如果世界是个大机器…那我就不可能是多余的

5.Improved and enlarged to encompass the continent, the big machine works on its subjects continuously, day and night.因为性能更好、更大,甚至能包含整个陆地的威格昂无论白昼与夜晚不停地在你身边工作。

6.I'd imagine the whole world was one big machine.我會把整個世界想像成一個巨大的機器

7.i saw many pnes of trees were cut down by the merciless men, and filled them into a big machine.我看见一排排大树被人类无情地砍倒,然后装到那个大家伙里。我的家园又没了,我的家园再一次被毁了!

8.In my opinion, we are pving in a society pke a big machine, and we look pke one of precise gears of the big machine.我认为我们每天在社会这个大机器里,象一个个精确的齿轮一样。

9.But Big Machine supppes only a small proportion of Clear Channel's music.但大机器的节目在清晰频道播放的音乐中所占比例很小。

10.My personal reasons are that I recognise that I'm a slave to the big machine as much as anyone.我的个人理由是我承认,与任何人一样,我是这台大型机器的奴隶。