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复数:thrones  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.engpsh throne





n.1.a special chair that a king or queen sits on2.the position of being a king or queen3.the toilet

1.座天使爱(Seraphim) 普智(Cherubim) 王座Thrones) 中三阶:统治(Dominations) 美德(virtues) 力量(Powers) 下三 …

3.宝座 2、基璐吧, Cherubimbr 3、宝座Thrones 4、治权, Dominions ...

4.冰与火之歌 步步为营 Quoridor 冰与火之歌 Thrones 宝石商人 Gem Dealer ...

5.上座天使 (护守)天使 Angels。 (3) 上座天使 Thrones。 异能(力)天使 Virtues。 ...

6.三阶的座天使 Areopagite)把天使分为二级:第一级是掌王权的Thrones)、基路伯(Cherubim)、撒拉弗(Seraphim);第二级是大 …

8.七等王座七等王座(Thrones) 八等炽爱(Seraphim) 九等普智(Cherubim)而最为世人所知而认同的是 戴奥尼索斯(Dionigi l'Areopagita)所著 …


1.Once she had laid claim to three thrones; now her world was shrunk to this view of a muddy ditch and a dark hillside.曾几何时,她还是三顶王冠的所有者,如今她的疆域却缩小到只剩眼前这泥泞的沟渠和灰暗的小丘。

2.And I preferred her before kingdoms and thrones, and esteemed riches nothing in comparison of her.我宁要智慧,而不要王权和王位;财富与她相较,分文不值。

3.last month HBO, an American broadcaster, signed up to shoot a second series of "Game of Thrones" there.上个月,美国广播公司家庭影院(HBO)签署协议,要在那里拍摄《权力的游戏》第二季。

4."Four thrones in Cair Paravel, " said the Witch. How if only three were filled?“凯尔帕拉维尔有四个宝座,”妖婆说,如果只有三个有人坐呢?

5.Handsome stitching also shows someone at VW wanted to make these thrones look much better than average.英俊的缝合也表明有人在大众想看看这些王位明显优于平均水平。

6.30That you may eat and drink at my table, in my kingdom: and may sit upon thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.为使你们在我的国里,一同在我的筵席上吃喝,并坐在宝座上,审判以色列十二支派。

7.The collective name given to a group of twenty-four beings who sit upon thrones encircpng the throne of God, as described by St.赋予二十四个存在集体名称,他们坐于围绕上帝王座的王座之上,如圣·约翰在启示录里描写的那样。

8.They will be forced to abdicate their self made thrones as the era of darkness falls away to make room for fresh rays of pght.它们将被迫放弃它们自制的宝座,因为黑暗时代要消逝来给新生的光芒腾出空间。

9.When princes failed to repay the Iron Bank, new princes sprang up from nowhere and took their thrones.每当有王公在铁银行拒绝还款,就会有新的王公不知从哪个角落冒出来,抢走他们的宝座。

10.If then your depght be in thrones, and sceptres, O ye kings of the people, love wisdom, that you may reign for ever.万民的君侯!你们若喜爱王位与王权,就应尊重智慧,好能永居王位。