




1.壹丈 ... 弍尺 two feet 壹丈 ten feet 壹股 一份 one share ...



1.In her mind she could see his features as clearly as if he were standing ten feet away in broad August sunpght.在脑海里,她可以清晰地看到他的长相,就好像他站在在八月的阳光下的10英尺远的地方。

2.And when he sits stool to the beautiful melody, after ten feet from his toes in the keys, the flexible, hopping into a quiet.而当他坐到特制的琴凳上之后,优美的旋律从他脚下流出,十个脚趾在琴键上灵活地跳跃着,全场陷入了一片安静。

3.The pile is over ten feet high. I am afraid it will fall all over and bury you underneath it if I put this file on top of it.文件已经堆过10英尺高了,如果我把它放上去恐怕文件堆会倒下来把您埋在下面。

4.He was about ten feet away. He was trying to shoot people in the water as they tried to swim to the other side.枪手离我们就10英尺远,他正向试图凫水往对岸逃命的人们射击。

5.Khafre, following a tough act, constructed his own pyramid, ten feet shorter than his father's, also a quarter of a mile behind the Sphinx.哈夫拉在一番努力之后,也建成了自己的金字塔,仅比其父亲的矮上10英尺,同样距离狮身人面像四分之一英里。

6.Their trunks are usually over ten feet tall and, as if wrought by human effort, utterly bare of branches below ten feet.它的干呢,通常是丈把高,象是加过人工似的,一丈以内,绝无旁枝;

7.Then one tragic night - I shall never forget it - he was killed within ten feet of my head, killed by pghtning.在一个我、水远无法忘记的悲惨的晚上,迪贝在离我仅十呎远的地方,被雷电极死了。

8.After the game, in the parking lot, Alan walked ten feet to his car and was randomly shot and killed by a gang member.比赛结束后,Alan在停车场里步行了十英尺走到自己的车前,然后,被一名漫无目的的匪徒枪杀了。

9.I've got a question for you, Fish. What if we do all this work, and the pipe is ten feet that way? - It won't be.我有问题问你,雏儿。如果我们在这边钻孔,管道在那边十英尺的地方会怎么样?-不会的。

10.Easy Stand ten feet away from the wall with the ball at your feet.容易站在离墙10英尺远处,将球置于脚下。