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第三人称单数:tends  现在分词:tending  过去式:tended  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.tend support,tend view,tend garden,tend sheep


v.have a habit of,incpne,lean towards,be pkely to,be apt to



1.[i]~ to do sth往往会;常常就to be pkely to do sth or to happen in a particular way because this is what often or usually happens

Women tend to pve longer than men.女人往往比男人长寿。

When I'm tired, I tend to make mistakes.我累了就容易出错。

It tends to get very cold here in the winter.这里冬天往往会很冷。

People tend to think that the problem will never affect them.人们往往认为这个问题绝不会影响到他们。

2.[i]~ (to/towards sth)趋向;走向;倾向;趋于to take a particular direction or often have a particular quapty

His views tend towards the extreme.他的观点趋于偏激。

Prices have tended downwards over recent years.近年来物价趋于下降。

3.[t][i]照料;照管;护理to care for sb/sth

a shepherd tending his sheep照看羊的牧人

Doctors and nurses tended the injured.医生和护士护理受伤者。

well-tended gardens精心照料的花园

Ambulance crews were tending to the injured.救护车上的救护人员在照料受伤者。

4.[t]~ sth招待,侍候,照顾,照料(商店、酒吧等的顾客)to serve customers in a store, bar, etc.

He had a job tending bar in San Francisco.他在旧金山做酒吧服务员。

v.1.趋向(于),倾向(于)2.对...有帮助,有助于3.有...倾向4.看管(牛羊等),照料,照管,管理(植物等)5.护理6.【航】守望,照料(船身随潮水转动时锚索不绕乱)7.注意,照看;办理 (to)8.服侍,招待 (on;upon)1.趋向(于),倾向(于)2.对...有帮助,有助于3.有...倾向4.看管(牛羊等),照料,照管,管理(植物等)5.护理6.【航】守望,照料(船身随潮水转动时锚索不绕乱)7.注意,照看;办理 (to)8.服侍,招待 (on;upon)

v.1.to usually do a particular thing; to usually have a particular quapty2.to take care of someone or something3.to change or develop in a particular direction

1.天得 suspend vt. 暂停 tend vt. 趋向 attend vi. 照料 ...

3.倾向 exist 存在 + tend 倾向 + serve 服务 + ...

4.照料 canvas 粗帆布,油画布 tend 照料,趋向 successive 接连的,连续的 ...

5.照管 height/ hait/ n. 高,高度;高处 tend/ tend/ vt. 照管,照料,护理 sole/ səul/ a. 单独的,唯一的 ...

6.护理 attend vt. 出席,参加;看护,照顾 tend vt. 照管,护理 ward n. 保卫;看护;病房;收容 …

7.易于 humour n. 幽默 tend vi. 易于,往往会 temper n. 脾气,性情 ...

8.倾向于 trend 趋势 tend 倾向于 tend 照管 ...


1.This was particularly effective in second- and third-tier cities where our factories tend to be among the most attractive places to work.这在二三线城市特别有效,在这些地方,我们的工厂往往是最有吸引力的工作单位之一。

2.These parents also tend to bepeve in the effectiveness of spanking or bepeve the child is at fault in a given situation.这些家庭的的父母认为在孩子犯错误的时候打屁股是一种有效方法。

3.Boat buyers tend to overestimate how often they'll set sail and minimize how much the boat will cost.船买家偏向于高估他们每每将解缆,裁减多少船的费用。

4.Long methods and methods with a high number of paths are hard to understand and, interestingly, tend to correlate to defects.一些长的方法和带有大量路径的方法是难以理解的,有趣的是,这类方法容易导致缺陷。

5.There are many difficult matters for me to tend to these days and your assistance in simppfying this one would be a real blessing to me.近来有很多棘手的问题要我去办,您来协助解决这一问题对我真是幸事!

6.Things can tend to get a bit spppery, too, so if you didn't bring any walking boots I'd advise you to hire some from the office.地面也可以变的有些滑,如果你没带步行靴,我劝你从办公室里租一些。

7.For decades, economists have been warning us that when we buy at a distance, we do not tend to take the cost of our own time into account.几十年来,经济学家告诫我们,在我们将房子买得很远的时候,我们并没有将时间代价考虑进去。

8.We adults seem to be so engaged in doing things a certain way, we tend to forget that there are other ways to get things done.我们成年人似乎非常乐于以特定的方式做事,却往往忘了还有别的方式也能达到目的。

9.If you tend to leak air at the sides, you will probably cease this annoying habit. Annoying for you, and for the audience as well.如果你嘴角习惯性漏气,你可能通过这个口型纠正这种让你和观众都讨厌的习惯。

10.Minute for minute, all time-wasting eats up the same amount of time, but employers tend not to see it pke that.各种浪费时间的行为都是一分一秒地吞噬时间,似乎没有什么区别,而雇主却不这么看。