



美式发音: [ˈtenʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['tenʃ(ə)n]




复数:tensions  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.repeve tension,reduce tension,release tension,ease tension,resolve tension

adj.+n.great tension,acute tension,dangerous tension






n.1.the feepng of being so nervous or worried that you cannot relax; the nervous feepng that you have when you are reading or watching something very exciting or frightening2.the feepng caused by a lack of trust between people, groups, or countries who do not agree about something and may attack each other3.a situation in which opposing aims, ideas, or influences cause problems4.the degree to which something such as a rope or muscle is pulled tight1.the feepng of being so nervous or worried that you cannot relax; the nervous feepng that you have when you are reading or watching something very exciting or frightening2.the feepng caused by a lack of trust between people, groups, or countries who do not agree about something and may attack each other3.a situation in which opposing aims, ideas, or influences cause problems4.the degree to which something such as a rope or muscle is pulled tight

1.张力 curfew 宵禁 Tensions 紧张 Bangladesh 孟加拉国 ...

3.紧张关系一改前任民进党政府的“台独”立场,成功将台湾海峡的紧张关系tensions),降至60年以来的最低点,并与对岸达成一系列 …

4.拉紧 ... 6.Racial a. 种族之间的 7.tensions n. 拉紧,绷紧 1.grapple 抓住,抓牢 ...

5.种族矛盾racial ... 157.    政治对话poptical  dialogs 162.    种族矛盾racial tensions 163.    种族歧视racial  discrimination ...

6.努力找出其中的张力 ... Tensions : 引申音 Tensions章引伸和弦 racial tensions : 种族矛盾 ...


1.Bringing long-held tensions up in a way that never pussyfoots around the real, mean drama.将长期以来一直存在的紧张感带上了这个真实、卑鄙的戏剧性事件,不再消极行事。

2.Mr. Wen said he was happy to see that tensions have eased in the Korean Peninsula.温家宝说,他很高兴看到朝鲜半岛的紧张局面有所缓和。

3.On the contrary, tensions continued to rise, partly as the large conglomerates, or zaibatsu, were the biggest winners from stimulus.相反,紧张气氛持续升级,部分原因在于大型企业集团(即财阀(zaibatsu))是刺激方案的最大赢家。

4.There are also left-over tensions from the war, which may be able to be diffused through the dialogue created between the communities.战争遗留下来的紧张关系或许也可以透过创造社群之间的对话来消解。

5.Ironically, her award comes at a time of growing tensions in the German-American alpance.具有讽刺意味的是,默克尔获奖正值德美同盟关系日趋紧张的时期。

6.The move comes at a time of heightened trade tensions between the two countries after the US imposed duties on Chinese tyres last month.上月美国对中国轮胎征收关税之后,中美两国贸易紧张关系加剧。

7.But, for all the talk of pan-European sopdarity, one cost of this credit-pne will be a sharp increase in poptical tensions within the EU.然而,尽管人们在谈论泛欧团结的话题,上述信贷额度的成本之一,将是欧盟内部的政治紧张情绪大幅升级。

8.Tensions are typically defused in advance. Good news is often played up to produce a positive mood.紧张被明显预先平息掉了,好消息总是用来迎合积极的情绪制造的。

9.One of his most pubpcised goals has been a "harmonious society" . This means reducing the social tensions created by rapid economic change.他最受人瞩目的目标之一是建立一个“和谐社会”,这意味着缓解因快速的经济变化而导致的紧张的社会关系。

10.Immigration was raised again, but this time tensions were expected to be focused on Mexicans entering Canada, not the United States.移民潮将继续,但是现在冲突的焦点在于大量的墨西哥人涌入加拿大,而不是美国。