


美式发音: [ˈvɑrsəti] 英式发音: [ˈvɑː(r)səti]







1.(尤指体育比赛中大中学校的)代表队,校队the main team that represents a college or high school , especially in sports competitions


She's still at varsity.她还在上大学。


1.[obn](informal)(常用于牛津和剑桥两大学的体育比赛)大学的used when describing activities connected with the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, especially sports competitions

the varsity match大学体育比赛



n.1.<spoken,BrE>Same as university

adj.1.a varsity team, sport, etc. at a school, college, or university is involved in the highest level of competition

1.大学 dudes n. 花花公子, 纨绔子弟 varsity n. 大学运动代表队, 大学 researcher n. 研究员 ...

2.大学运动代表队 dudes n. 花花公子, 纨绔子弟 varsity n. 大学运动代表队, 大学 researcher n. 研究员 ...

3.校队 Recap 概述,重复练习 Varsity 代表队,校队 Non-adherence: 不遵守,违背 ...

4.大学代表队的 choral 合唱队的 varsity 大学代表队的 susceptible 易受影响的 ...

5.大学校队 ... 「Break a leg」 也是祝好运的意思,而不是上下台阶要我摔断腿。 「Varsity」 (校级代表队)。 「nerd …


1.Bryant wore his Lakers varsity jacket, purple gold. It had several championship trophies across the back.科比穿着他的紫金色湖人队服,队服的背面有一些冠军奖杯图案。

2.In her sophomore year at Blair High, a junior varsity baseball coach asked her to be the team statistician.她上布莱尔高级中学二年级的时候,一位校少年棒球队的教练叫她去做球队的统计员。

3.Furthermore, he ruled that the university's cheerleading did not quapfy as a varsity sport.此外,他还裁定该大学的啦啦队运动不能视为一项大学运动。

4.If you had tried as hard as you could, you would have long achieved your goal of becoming a starter on the varsity.如果你当初尽了最大的努力,你早就实现了成为校队首发队员的目标。

5.But Michael's first hard lesson would come when he tried out for the varsity team at Laney High.但迈克尔第一个挑战来到,他为大学代表队而努力。

6.Through an unexpected set of circumstances, I had the good fortune to get connected with Varsity Donuts out of Manhattan, Kansas.通过一个出乎意料的情况下,我有幸得到了与瓦西蒂堪萨斯州曼哈顿甜甜圈连接。

7.They grew up in affluence in Greenwich, Conn. , were varsity rowers at Harvard and competed in the Summer Olympics in Beijing in 2008.他们在康涅狄格州一个富裕家庭中长大,两人都是哈佛大学的赛艇运动员并参加过2008年北京夏季奥运会。

8.I knew I never wanted to feel that bad again. . . So I set a goal of becoming a starter on the varsity .我知道我永远不想要当时那种糟糕的感受…所以我给自己设置了一个目标:成为校队的一员。

9.Obama plays basketball, a sport he participated in as a member of his high school's varsity team.奥巴马喜欢打篮球,高中时曾是校队成员。

10.Ma excelled as the best debater in the 1986 Asian Varsity Debate, when media described him as a "handsome and suave" man.马曾于1986年在“亚洲大专辩论会”获“全场最佳辩手”,媒体形容他“风度翩翩”。