




1.潮州 汕头: Swatow 潮州Teochew 揭阳: Kityall ...

2.潮州话潮桥英歌舞....(二)by lespewinki 826 view…

3.潮州方言 工厂 |Une Usine II 潮汕农家 |Teochew 螺丝私语 |Une usine ...


7.潮州人话外,主要通行语言为闽南语系(或称河洛语)的潮州话。中国之外,分布世界各地所谓的潮州人(Teochew),指的便是这个区 …


1.While queuing up for the Teochew Fishball Noodles, JAF was attracted to the photos posted at the neighbouring stall.在排队买潮州鱼丸面的时候,就被隔壁摊所摆放的照片吸引住了。

2.The colour of the paste in the mooncake is purple and is most commonly used in Teochew crusty mooncakes.的颜色粘贴在月饼是紫色的,是最常用的潮州硬壳月饼。

3.Teochew people came mostly from Henan and Shanxi by way of Fujian, with well-maintained language and customs from north-central China.潮汕人的祖先来自中原地区。古时候,来自河南和山西的人们跋山涉水穿过福建来到现在的潮汕地区定居,并保留了方言和生活习惯。

4.What is a MUST dish in a Teochew meal? Ans: Steamed Pomfret. The pomfret they serve here are very fresh. It just melts in your mouth. . .吃潮州菜怎么能少得了潮州蒸鲳鱼呢?滑嫩的鲳鱼肉在口中融化,可见它有多新鲜。

5.Teochew opera in Singapore: case studies through oral history.彭学珍。潮剧在新加坡:口述历史个案研究。

6.Which fish are suitable for making Teochew steamed fish?哪些鱼适合用来做潮州蒸鱼?

7.Which part of TEOChew Cup attracts you most?潮人杯吸引你的地方在哪里?

8.A study on Teochew music clubs in Singapore .新加坡潮州音乐社研究。

9.Chaoshan (Teochew)-style mooncake: This is another flaky crust variety, but is larger in size than the Suzhou variety.潮汕(潮州)式月饼:这是另片状地壳不同,但在规模较大的比苏州品种。

10.In Southern Min languages, such as Teochew, prenasapzed stops are also found.在闽南语里,比如潮州方言,同样有鼻冠塞音的存在。