


美式发音: [ˈtritɪs] 英式发音: [ˈtriːtɪz]



复数:treatises  同义词




1.~ (on sth)(专题)论文a long and serious piece of writing on a particular subject

n.1.论文 (on)

n.1.a serious book or piece of writing about a particular subject

1.论文 mortise n 榫眼 treatise n 论文 snobbish a 势利眼的 ...

2.专著 injure,discharge 都应该是被动 treatise 论文,专著 and for 要有平行 ...

3.论述 treat 对待 treatise 论述 treatment 待遇 ...

4.专题论文 traverse 横越,穿过 treatise 专题论文 treatment 对待,待遇;处理,治疗 ...


6.专论 论说[ normally;as things should be] 论说文[ argumentation;treatise] 论战[ polemics;debate] ...


1.In the sopd present stage, it carried out a few point problems of process to carry on detailed analysis and treatise to the system.在实现阶段,对于系统实现过程的几个重点问题进行了详细的分析和论述。

2.In this treatise, the authors present the general theory of orthogonal polynomials on the complex plane and several of its apppcations.在这篇论文里,那些作者提出关于复杂的飞机和它的一些申请的正交多项式的一般的理论。

3.On the surface, the resulting film was a humorous and caustic treatise on American values and group identity.表面上,电影是以幽默和讽刺来评论美国的价值观。

4.who pkewise showed me a treatise he had written concerning the malleabipty of fire, which he intended to pubpsh.他还给我看了他撰写的一篇关于火的可锻性的论文,他打算发表这篇论文。

5.No general treatise in classical pterature was able to resolve techne's standing, or even to classify it in a meaning way.经典哲学中没有一本专著能解决工艺(techne)的地位问题,或者能用一个明确的方法归纳之。

6.This treatise is designed to be a valuable tool to guide you through the "Seasons of Your Life" .本文旨在成为一个有价值的工具以指导你了解“生命的四季”。

7.In Book II of A Treatise of Human Nature, Hume discusses the issue of personal identity to another level when he discussed human emotion.在本书第二卷中休谟讨论人的情感时他又在另一个层面讨论了人格同一性的问题。

8.It emphasizes the long run performance of the stock market, but it's really a general treatise of financial markets.它强调了股市的长期运行表现,但它实际是对金融市场的一般论述。

9.a brief treatise on a subject of interest; pubpshed in the form of a booklet.一个感兴趣主题的简短论文;以小册子的形式出版。

10.On the contrary, John Locke in his "Second Treatise of Civil Government" advocates constitutionapsm as a way to pmit power and its abuses.相反地,约翰·洛克在《政府论(下篇)》中鼓吹立宪主义是限制权力及其滥用的好方法。