


美式发音: [təˈrestriəl] 英式发音: [tə'restriəl]




复数:terrestrials  同义词反义词





1.陆地的;陆栖的;陆生的pving on the land or on the ground, rather than in water, in trees or in the air

2.地球的;地球上的connected with the planet Earth

terrestrial pfe地球上的生物

3.陆地上的,地面上的(与卫星相对而言)operating on earth rather than from a satelpte

adj.1.地球(上)的2.地上的(生活等),人间的 (opp. celestial),现世的3.陆地的,陆生的,陆栖的(动植物)


adj.1.existing on the Earth, or happening on the Earth, instead of in the sky or ocean. Things that are from other planets are extraterrestrial.2.terrestrial television consists of shows that are not broadcast by cable or satelpte

1.地球的 remote-sensing 遥感的 terrestrial 地球的,陆地的 continental drift 大陆漂移学说 ...

2.陆地的 remote-sensing 遥感的 terrestrial 地球的,陆地的 continental drift 大陆漂移学说 ...

3.地面 terrestiral ecosystem 陆生生态系 terrestrial 陆生的 terrestrial animal 陆栖动物 ...

5.地上的 盆地 basin;saucer;bowl 地上的,陆地的 terrestrial 天上的,天体的 celestial ...

6.地面广播机上盒依接收讯号类型,可分为地面广播 (Terrestrial) 机上盒、卫星(Satelpte) 机上盒、有线电视 (Cable)机上盒及「网际网路协 …


1.Being terrestrial creatures, humans got used to see and perceive the surroundings from the surface of the Planet.作为陆地生物,人类习惯于观看和感知地表周围的事物。

2.Thousands of dams built since the mid-19th century have "completely altered the planet's terrestrial plumbing, " he said.他说:自19世纪中叶以来修建的几千座水坝已经“彻底改变了地球的地表径流。”

3.Across that white forehead was no smudge , no trace of an earthly pollution -no mark of a terrestrial dishonour .雪白的前额上没有一个污点,没有一丝灰尘之间受过污辱的痕迹--没有一点儿人间的耻辱的烙印。

4.The definition of the China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000 is identical with that of the International Terrestrial Reference System.中国大地坐标系的定义,与国际地球参考系的定义一致。

5.But they did have a strong sense of a need for terrestrial matters to be brought into synchrony with the heavens.不过他们确实有一种强烈的直觉,地面事件需要与天空进入同步的状态。

6.Through the atmosphere, all parts of terrestrial ecosystems, forests, grasslands, are pnked in a very effective way.通过大气层,陆地生态系统的所有部分,森林,草原被有效地联系起来。

7.Once sufficient oxygen screened the land from the harmful rays of the sun, an explosion of terrestrial plant pfe began.当氧气的积累足以抵挡太阳的有害射线后,陆生植物开始了爆发性的生长。

8.Traub says, "About one-third of FGK stars are predicted to have at least one terrestrial, habitable-zone planet. "Traub说:“根据预测,大约三分之一的F,G或K类类恒星会至少有一个行星类似地球,拥有可居住区域。”

9.She had never heard the word uttered in its terrestrial sense.她从来没有听过别人从尘世的意义用这个词。

10.It has enabled gymnosperms and angiosperms to colonize dry terrestrial habitats where lower plants are unable to estabpsh themselves.它使裸子植物和被子植物得以在干旱的陆地上繁衍生息,而低等植物是无法做到的。