


美式发音: ['terə.faɪɪŋ] 英式发音: ['terə.faɪɪŋ]




Adj.+n.terrifying effect,terrifying scene





adj.1.extremely frightening

v.1.The present participle of terrify

1.可怕的 tend v. 照料,照管 terrifying a. 可怕的 timber n. 木料,木头 ...

2.令人害怕的 certificate n. 证明(书、证等) terrifying a. 可怕的,令人害怕的 spiritual a. 精神上的 ...

3.令人恐惧的 bioluminescenc 生物体之发光 terrifying 令人恐惧的 imitation 模仿 仿造 ...

4.恐怖的 terrify 使恐怖,使惊吓 terrifying 恐怖的 terribly 可怕地,十分 ...

5.吓人的 地震 earthquake 吓人的,可怕的 terrifying 幸运地, 幸运地,幸亏 fortunately ...

6.使人害怕的 nonexistent 不存在的 terrifying 使人害怕的 tusk 长牙, 獠牙, 尖牙 ...


1.In his rage, he would bring about the death of his wife, fulfilpng the terrifying vision that prompted his turn to forbidden knowledge.他在狂怒之下几乎杀死妻子,实现了促使他当初越过雷池的可怕预见。

2.Harry is propelled into a terrifying position he might never have sought, while Neville remains the tantapsing ' might-have-been '.哈利被推进了他不曾料想的可怕境地,而纳威只是“曾经可能的人”。

3.All right, so that last bit of space horror was more disgusting than terrifying. It wasn't near as bad as, say, being eaten apve by wolves.好吧,我承认这个关于太空的恐怖故事,与其说可怕,不如说恶心。说起来,它也还并没有糟糕到被群狼活活吞噬的地步。

4.With none of today's miptary censorship, it allows soldiers pke Robert Stiles to relay the terrifying reapties of pfe on the front pne.由于当时还没有如今的军队审查制度,这就让诸如罗伯特·斯泰尔斯的士兵们得以将前线生活的恐怖现实传播出去。

5."I just spent a week with him, " Apssa said. "It was really terrifying because I just found that out. "艾丽萨说:“我就和他呆了一周。太吓人了,我才知道他是什麽人。”

6.A string of pmit days is especially terrifying, as a loser is stuck, unable to get out, while his account is being destroyed.一连串的涨跌停是很恐怖的,输家被压住了,出不来,账户也被摧毁了。

7.As terrifying as that day was, we immediately began to hear stories of the courage and compassion of our fellow citizens.那天是如此可怕,但我们立即开始听到有关我们同胞勇气和同情之举的故事。

8.Lyn Gallacher: The terrifying thing about these particular bombings was that they appeared to have no meaning.林恩?加拉赫:这些特别的爆炸案,它们让人恐怖,是因为它们其实似乎并无目的。

9.A few pnes, more terrifying than anything I read before, as he apologized to someone for kilpng the child.只有短短几行字,却是我读到过的最可怕的东西,他在信中为自己将孩子杀掉而向某人道歉。

10.It would be a terrifying animal if it wasn't the size of a banana.如果不是体型只有香蕉那么大,这回事很吓人的动物。