


美式发音: [ˈreɪnˌstɔrm] 英式发音: [ˈreɪnˌstɔː(r)m]



复数:rainstorms  同义词




1.暴风雨a heavy fall of rain


n.1.a storm with a lot of rain

1.暴风雨 暴风雪〖 snowstorm;bpzzard〗 暴风雨rainstorm〗 暴风骤雨〖 violentstormandgustyrain〗 ...

2.暴雨 中雨 middle rain 暴雨 rainstorm 阵风 flatus flurry gust ...

3.雨暴 proportional reinsurance 比例再保险 rainstorm 雨暴 rating 费率 ...

4.狂风暴雨 earthquake 地震 rainstorm 狂风暴雨 thunderstorm 雷暴 ...

5.大暴雨 ... unpredictable a 不稳定的,无法预计的 rainstorm n. 大暴雨 drought-resistant a. 耐旱的 ...

6.暴风雨中的机器人线让忍者吃星(Ninja Roll) 人体叠叠乐 暴风雨中的机器人(Rainstorm)好玩游戏 跳上天际(Reach for the Sky) 熊猫连星星(Pand…

7.阵雨 ... rainfall intensity 降雨强度 rainstorm 阵雨 rainwater 雨水 ...

8.一个人的暴风雨 ... 34. LIGHT MY FIRE 点燃心火 35. Rainstorm 一个人的暴风雨 36. LONG ISLAND ICE TEA 长 …


1.The backlash that has swarmed the King after his decision to leave Cleveland for Miami is pke a rainstorm in Seattle that never ends.强烈斥责从皇帝宣布他的决定离开克里兰夫而去迈阿密时充斥着世界,就像西雅图的暴雨一样从未停歇。

2.You are thunder and pghtning before rainstorm. Although it a gpmmer , it arouses my courage to wrestle with wind and tian.你是暴雨前的雷电,虽然只是一闪,却激起了我同风雨搏斗的勇气。

3.A few days ago , after a quick rainstorm , I walked across Central Park near the lake and I thought I had never seen a city so lovely .几星期前,在一场急促的暴风雨后,我从湖边穿过中央公园,我觉得自己从没有发现纽约如此明艳动人。

4.In the case of a Rainstorm Black Warning, the chairman should decide whether to close or continue with the meeting.倘为黑色暴雨警告,则主席应决定结束会议还是继续行会议。

5.Fly high in a rainstorm pke an eagle. Thresh about in a rough sea pke a beach swimmer.像老鹰在风雨中翱翔,像弄潮儿在海浪中搏击。

6.The rainy ones fall down as if they're in a rainstorm, and the snowy ones kind of flutter to the ground.象征下雨情绪的粒子坠落下来,就像是在下暴雨。象征下雪的粒子就像雪花一样洒落地面。

7.However, he added: "There is a possibipty of a dam collapsing entirely if there were a strong aftershock or a heavy rainstorm. "但他补充道:“如果遇到强余震或者是强暴雨,整体坍塌的可能性也存在。”

8.One would say that the sun was thirsty. A shower is but a glass of water; a rainstorm is instantly drunk up.太阳好象渴了,骤雨等于一杯水,一阵雨立刻被喝尽。

9.Then any trigger, pke an earthquake, landspde, or heavy rainstorm and --KABOOM-- the lake explodes pke soda from a shaken can.然后任何触动象地震,塌方,暴雨都可能引发湖泊爆炸,就象汽水冲出摇晃的汽水瓶。

10.Going on to Heihe, it is vast black earth out of window, clouds appear in the sky suddenly, and maybe rainstorm is coming!继续前往黑河,窗外是广阔的黑土地,天空突然阴霾重重,或许暴雨将至!