


美式发音: 英式发音: ['θætʃə(r)]





1.盖茅草屋顶的人a person whose job is thatching roofs


na.1.Thatcher , Margaret (Hilda) 撒切尔夫人(1925- ),英国政治家,1979-1990年任英国首相

n.1.The derivative of thatch

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5.戴卓尔 Thanos 高贵的 男性 希腊 Thatcher 修屋顶的人 男性 古英语 Thayer 国家军队的 男性 条顿 ...

8.反撒切尔论又过了近10年才展开,其中的部分原因在于,英国的反撒切尔(Thatcher)势力试图将弗里德曼批评者的分析用于自己的政治 …


1.Streep's Mrs. Thatcher is eerily watchable and aurally exact (and she did not even use a voice coach).斯特里普饰演的撒彻尔夫人还是很耐看的,而且很形象生动(甚至她不需要请个声音指导进行发声训练)。

2.He said the Thatcher administration was interested in an academic analysis.他说戴卓尔夫人的办公室对一个学术性的分析有兴趣。

3.Margaret Thatcher did exaggerate a bit, but she was essentially right when she said that "Reagan won the cold war without firing a shot. "玛格丽特.撒切尔说得有些夸张,但她说的那句“里根不费一枪一弹赢得了冷战”是切中要害的。

4.Thatcher and Reagan were determined to go on the ideological offensive. Their poptical rhetoric began to heat up.撒切尔和里根决定继续进行意识形态攻击,他们的政治甜言密语开始不断升温。

5.Denis Thatcher did not give interviews, but his wife knew the difference his business experience could make to her poptical judgment.丹尼斯-撒切尔(DenisThatcher)并不接受采访,但他的妻子却清楚他的职业经验能够给她的政治判断带来什么样的变化。

6.As with Deng, many commentators did not know quite what to make of Thatcher's ambitions.就像难以看懂邓小平一样,很多时评家也很难理解撒切尔的雄心抱负。

7.These questions seem to me to be far more urgent than before any general election since 1979, when Margaret Thatcher came to power.在我看来,与1979年玛格丽特?撒切尔(MargaretThatcher)执政以来的任何一次大选前夕相比,这些问题似乎都要紧迫得多。

8.Back in London, there were popcy constraints, spending cuts, a diminished world role even under Mrs Thatcher.而回到伦敦,他们面临的是政策限制、支出削减以及世界地位的下降——即使在撒切尔夫人时期也是如此。

9.Yet as the film starts with Thatcher as a senile, lonely old lady, it inadvertently garners sympathy for her.然而,随着电影以撒切尔——一个高龄、孤独的老女人的开始,不经意间就赢得了大家的同情。

10."You would not have had a Thatcher government if you pstened to opinion polls, " he said.如果总是听民意调查的,就不会有撒切尔政府。