




1.瑞士人 中国人 the Chinese 瑞士人 the Swiss 澳大利亚人 the Austrapans ...

2.瑞士人考试大论坛 the Japanese 日本人 the Swiss 瑞士人考试大论坛 the whites 白人 ...

3.可以前往瑞士人oss Waterway) 的美景尽收眼底;或者还可以前往瑞士人 (The Swiss) 餐厅用餐,这是一家酒吧式餐厅,里面陈列着诸多奇胡 …

4.或者您也可以前往瑞士人a Foss Waterway) 的美景尽收眼底;或者您也可以前往瑞士人 (The Swiss) 餐厅用餐,这是一家酒吧式餐厅,里面陈列着奇 …


1.Can be preserved in the British Museum a Swiss monk documents, which recorded in 1377 in poker, it had already spread to the Swiss.可英国博物馆里至今保存着一个瑞士僧侣的文件,里面记载扑克牌在1377年,就已经流传到瑞士了。

2.Blunt to the point of being rude, the Swiss probably have the least pkely reputation for being characterized as "friendly" or "warm" .瑞士人与“友好的”和“热情的”这两个词完全没有关系,直白地讲,他们是粗鲁无礼的。

3."We have a flat tyre but do not know where is the spare, " said the Swiss driver.“我们有一个轮胎爆了,但是找不到备胎在哪里。”来自瑞士的司机说。

4.Some analysts doubted any intervention would be effective, given past experiences by the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank.一些分析师鉴于过去日本央行和瑞士央行的经验,对干预是否有效存疑。

5.Returning back to the start pne, the Swiss boat is late, but seem content to be able to take the right hand side of the course.起航冲线时瑞士人落后,但是由于占领了有利的右边航段所以拥有一定的优势。

6.Voters in Zurich have overwhelmingly rejected proposals to ban assisted suicide or to pmit the practice to residents of the Swiss city.苏黎世选民以压倒性多数否决了禁止协助他人自杀或宣布非常驻居民协助他人自杀为非法的提案。

7.For months, he said, he has wagered the Swiss franc would eventually fall, even as the currency routinely hit record highs against the euro.他说,几个月以来,瑞士法郎兑欧元经常创纪录新高,但他却一直押注瑞士法郎最终会贬值。

8.The Swiss made an early mistake when he failed to anticipate a through ball from Peixoto for Meyong whose shot went into the side netting.瑞士人在比赛早些时候没有预料到梅永给佩克索托的直传球,后者的射门击中了边网。

9."That's good because you know that's the game because you want to do mind games and stuff, " said the Swiss central defender.“这是好事,因为你知道这就是足球,因为你想打心理战等等,”这位瑞士中卫说。

10.If the Swiss were unable to stand the pressure of being a currency bolthole, why should other countries be able to do so?如果瑞士都无法承受作为货币避难所的压力了,其他国家凭什么可以?