




1.写字板 winmsd--------- 系统信息 wordpad-------- 写字板 wuaucpl.cpl---- 自动更新 ...

2.记事本indows® 中现有的记事本(Notepad)、小作家Wordpad)之类的编辑软体, *.csv 档案除了使用类似记事本之类的编辑软 …

4.写字板程序的启发式窗口管理,自动检测时间区参数,改进了内置的写字板程序WordPad),crypt32中的署名支持得到了改进,增加 …

5.写字板的基本操作 中文Windows XP的附件 • 2.5.1 写字板的基本操作(wordpad) • 2.5.2 画图的基本操作(mspaint) • 2.5.3 记事本(notepad) 返回 …

6.桌面右键新增 ... 弱点 2007 Microsoft Office 新增 桌面右键新增 Wordpad 微软 Microsoft Vm ...


1.In fact, I purposely created it with just a Java editor, Wordpad for the files, javac, and the jar command.实际上,我故意使用一个Java编辑器、文件的Wordpad、javac和jar命令进行创建。

2.Since RTF is being used as the native file format, exchanging documents with Microsoft Word or Wordpad is not a problem.由于RTF被作为本地档案格式,所以与微软的Word或Wordpad交换文件不是问题。

3.If both programs are running, the speech buttons appear when WordPad is active, but disappear when you make Notepad the active program.如果两个程序都在运行,则WordPad处于活动状态时将显示语音按钮,而记事本处于活动状态时此按钮会消失。

4.Control to allow text strings to be dragged and dropped into WordPad.控件配置为允许将文本字符串拖放到写字板中。

5.WordPad cannot save this document in its current format. The document will be saved in the RTF format instead.写字板不能将本文档保存为它当前的格式。文档将以RTF格式保存。

6.WORDPAD comes with a help file describing its user interface.WORDPAD附带描述其用户界面的帮助文件。

7.It is accessible by cpcking the Start button, selecting Run, typing WordPad in the text box of the Run dialog box, and then cpcking OK.可以通过下面的方法访问它:单击“开始”按钮,选择“运行”,在“运行”对话框中键入“WordPad”,然后单击“确定”。

8.WordPad is a text editor installed by Windows that allows drag-and-drop operations.“写字板”是一个由Windows安装的文本编辑器,它允许进行拖放操作。

9.You can determine the minimum margins supported by your printer by using Microsoft WordPad.可以通过使用Microsoft写字板确定打印机所支持的最小边距。

10.An editor pke WordPad does not save as text by default.诸如Wordpad之类的编辑器在缺省情况下不会保存为文本。