




1.男演员an)、《声明》(The Statement)、《男演员》(The Actors)、《二手雄狮》(Secondhand Lions)、《情感弯道》(Around the Be…

2.喜剧演员 C STRAY: 经过杂散电容 The Actors: 男演员|喜剧演员 unit actors: 单位行动者 ...

3.戏剧演员影视百科 > 电影 > 喜剧 | 犯罪 > 男演员/戏剧演员(The Actors)更换封面 我要收藏»同类推荐»搜索《男演员》的视频   欧麦雷和汤 …


1.Weizi, one of the actors who participated, was glad to be a part of it.演员巍子也参加了此次活动,他表示很高兴成为其中一员。

2.Plus, this one's in color and you guys might recognize a few of the actors, so those are just a few added bonuses.另外,这部电影也是彩色的,大家可能会认出其中几个演员,所以这些也算是额外的奖励。

3.While Ian and Nina look amazing together, there is a bit of age difference between the actors.Ian和Nina在一起看上去非常好,不过俩人之间还是有点年龄差距。

4.Both the actors and the spectators should try to see pfe from a different angle and their pfe would be purified and subpmed .无论演员和观众都应该体验一番,换着角度看人生,才能得到净化乃至升华。

5.All the tickets for the concert had been sold. Fortunately, I knew one of the actors, and by working the oracle we were able to see it.音乐会票已全部售完。幸亏,我认识一个演员,通过关系才入了场。

6.Faith Lapidus tells about this six-hour play and how the actors read every word of the book while keeping viewers interested.拉皮迪告诉信仰和对这个六个小时播放的演员如何读每一个字的书,同时保持观众的兴趣。

7.The ribbon of Dow tickers crawls across the actors' faces as if Wall Street were the Matrix.股票报价机打出的纸带在演员脸上扫过,仿佛华尔街成了“母体”。

8.IT'S an industry built purely on image, but the actors, actresses and singers who turn to it for help pke to keep it a secret.这是一个完全建立在形象的产业,然而那些寻求它帮助的演员和歌手却视它为隐私。

9.It was one of those plays in which all the actors unfortunately enunciated very clearly.这是其中的一出舞台剧,剧中的演员不幸地把他们的角色诠译得太清楚了。

10.She really understood the actors she was working with, as if we were precision instruments.她真的了解每个与她合作的演员,仿佛把我们当成是精密仪器似的。