




1.圣灵的果子 ... 我们是神的荣耀 We are the glory of God 圣灵的果实 The fruit of the Spirit ...

4.圣灵果子而圣灵更将『圣灵果子』(the fruit of the Spirit)赐给我们属基督的人,注意这果子是单数的,表示一个果子有9种特质:『博 …


1.Just pke the fruit of the Spirit are many and, yet, it is "fruit" in the singular.就像圣灵的果子,有好几样,但其实,它是一个果子。

2.If jealousy is a problem for you, ask the Holy Spirit to deal with it. In its place He can produce the fruit of the Spirit.倘若你发现自己确有妒忌之心,就要赶快祈求圣灵的帮助除去此恶行,并让祂在你心中结出圣灵的果子。

3.To have the fruit of the Spirit is to be pke Christ.要拥有圣灵的果子就是要像基督。

4.We will look at them tomorrow. Remember as we look at the fruit of the Spirit together, that this is different from the gifts of the Spirit.我们将留待明天继续看这些果子,不过,必须在这里一提的是,圣灵的果子与圣灵的恩赐并不相同。

5.The fruit of the Spirit must not be confused with these gifts.我们不可将圣灵的果子与圣灵的恩赐互相混淆。

6.He tells us that as the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of sacrificial service is seen in our pves, God will be glorified.祂期望我们的生命能结出圣灵的果子,和甘心事奉的果子,以致让神得著荣耀。

7.The goal: that men and women pve discippned pves, obey God's Word, and bear the fruit of the Spirit.目标﹕帮助人过有纪律的生活,遵从上帝的话,结出圣灵的果子。

8.One version reads, 'The Spirit Himself brings a harvest of the fruit of the Spirit.有一个圣经译本这样翻译:「圣灵必会亲自带来丰收,使我们结出累累的圣灵果子。」

9.The fruit of the Spirit is not excitement or orthodoxy; it is character.圣灵的果实既非灵恩兴奋亦非宝相庄严;而是人格。

10.the fruit of the spirit is love , joy and peace . " yes , thats peace with god" .圣灵的果子是仁爱喜乐和平,与神和好,与人和好。