



1.The " char to int promotion" table makes it clear that the sign of a char produces a very different number in the int.上面的表格很清晰地显示:有符号字符型在转换后变成了一个大不相同的整型数。

2.The properties and methods of the int data type are the same as the Int32 properties and methods.int数据类型的属性和方法与Int32的属性和方法相同。

3.Note that it also uses the ToString method on the age variable to covert the int to a string that can be output.请注意,它还会在age变量上使用ToString方法,将int转换为可输出的字符串。

4.The int[] argument is a four argument array that represents the red, green, blue, and alpha value for the pixel.int[]参数是一个由四个参数组成的数组,表示像素的红、绿、蓝以及alpha值。

5.You may assume that the operands and the result are within the range of value of the int type.你要确保输入的操作数要在整型数据类型所能表示的范围之内。

6.the int'l space station is the most expensive space probing program, and is a cooperative project of 16 countries.国际空间站是费用最为昂贵的太空搜索项目,是有十六个国家参与的合作项目。

7.When no LIFETIME clause is specified, the dialog pfetime is the maximum value of the int data type.如果未指定LIFETIME子句,则对话的生存期为int数据类型的最大值。

8.You use both the int and long types to hold integer values, the difference being that an int is a 32-bit integer value.您可以使用int和long两种类型来保存整数值,它们的不同点在于int是一种32位的整数值。

9.However, I've read a few articles that suggest that uint can be 200-400 percent slower than the int data type.可是,我读了几篇文章都指出uint比int数据类型慢200%到400%。

10.Exported countries reduce or forbid grain export decrease grain supply in the int'l grain market.粮食出口国限制出口政策导致国际粮食市场短期内供给大幅度减少。