




1.那双看不见的手 ... Self Interest( 自身利益) The Invisible Hand( 无形的手) Division of Labor( 分工) ...

4.看不見的手语言’、‘汉人的文字’、‘汉人的文化’,你不先有‘主耶稣基督的手’ (The Invisible Hand)与‘全盘美国化’(含全盘美国语言与文字化)…


1.But if markets can infpct pain, the harm from trying to tame them is often worse, argue those who would let the invisible hand carry on.但是如果市场可以施加痛苦,那么试图驯服市场带来的伤害往往更严重,愿意让“看不见的手”继续发挥作用的人士如此声辩。

2.No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States.没有人能比美国更坚定不移地承认和崇拜掌管人间事务的上帝。

3.However, some forgot Adam Smith's maxim that the invisible hand needs to be supported by an appropriate legal and regulatory framework.不过,一些人忘记了亚当-斯密(AdamSmith)的格言:看不见的手需要有合适的法律和监管框架的支持。

4.Smith was the 18th century economist who said the invisible hand of competition would reduce excess profits in business to normal levels.这位18世纪的经济学家曾经说过,竞争这只“看不见的手”(invisiblehand)会把企业过高的利润降至正常水平。

5.The well owner is not subject to the rigorous competition with which the invisible hand normally keeps self-interest in check .井的主人可以不受残酷竞争的制约,而在正常情况下,无形之手可以利己主义进行控制。

6.This can be said of Scotland, the concept of the invisible hand thinker further formulation.这可以说是对苏格兰思想家看不见的手概念的更进一步的表述。

7.Chaos, to economists, is known as the free market, where the invisible hand matches supply with demand.按经济学人的看法,混沌就是自由市场,里面有一只看不见的手调配供与需。

8.The "economics" of it says that people will respond to the "invisible hand" of the economy without even knowing it.它所谓的“经济性”是指人们将对经济的“无形的手”采取应对措施,即使在不知道它的情况下。

9.to pfe as a learning and growing as the setbacks, the frustrations of all the mud, all as is the invisible hand, driving you wings to fly.把生命看成是学习,把挫折看成是成长,把一切的泥泞坎坷,都当作是看不见的手,它推动着你,展翅翱翔。

10.With tangible popcies coupled with the invisible hand, manufacturing assets of the violent and irrational price fluctuations.用有形的政策加上无形的手,制造资产价格非理性剧烈波动。