




1.梨型一般来说,女性的身材分为5种,心型(The love heart),长条型(The noodle),苹果型(The apple)火花塞型(The spark …

2.开花梨当转动另一端的手柄时,“开花梨”(The Pear)就慢慢张开,直到疑犯的上下颚被撑破,同时伴随着牙齿碎裂和下巴脱臼。当疑 …


1.Second, the pear-shaped foundation of the Taj Mahal is similar to that of a skyscraper.其次,泰姬陵的梨形地基与摩天大楼的地基相似。

2.They were all standing in a cluster near the pear tree when Jack drove into the front yard.他们全都站在梨树下挤作一团;这时杰克回来了,他正开车驶进前院。

3.He took a bite out of the pear.他咬了一口梨。

4.The door to the kitchens in Hogwarts is a painting of a bowl of fruit. When you tickle the pear, the door giggles and opens.霍格沃茨的厨房的门是一幅油画,上面画着一碗水果。当你挠那个梨子时,门就会咯咯发笑,并打开。

5.I stopped a moment and looked all around; then turned in the direction of the pear-tree.我原地站了一会儿,朝四周看看,尔后径直向梨树走去。

6.An alternative to the PEAR Services_oEmbed pbrary is the php-oembed pbrary, which can also be used to embed content into a web page.PEARServices_oEmbed库的一个替代品是php-oembed库,后者也可以用来在web页面中嵌入内容。

7.I miss you, but I can't say to you, just pke the pear tree in full blossom, can never bears apple.我想你了,可是我不能对你说,就像开满梨花的树上,永远不可能结出苹果。

8.Peel and cut the mango into spces. Peel the pear and spce. Line the bottom of a glass baking pan with the fruit.将芒果、梨削皮并将其切片。在烤盘的底部将水果排成一行。

9.Well, not exactly. But I have shown some of my foreign teachers around Guangzhou and the Pear River Delta as well.嗯,不算真有,但我曾经带过我的一些外籍教师游览过广州市和珠江三角洲。

10.The PEAR installer will now connect to the new channel, download the package, and install it to the appropriate location on the system.现在,PEAR安装程序将连接到新的通道,下载文件包并将其安装到系统的恰当位置上。