




1.雨停了 years old….. …. 岁 The rain stopped. 雨停了。 Mr Zhang teaches us Engpsh. 张老师教我们英语。 ...


1.Suddenly the rain stopped and a great splendour appeared and the children cried: 'Look at the sun! '雨突然停下来,极大的显赫光彩出现了,孩子们在大叫:‘看看这太阳!’

2.Between the moment the wind only the rain stopped, blue skies, finally Chiyou defeated.一刹那之间,风止雨停,晴空万里,终于把蚩尤打败了。

3.Then the rain stopped as suddenly as it started, and the clouds parted, admitting into the sky a God-pke pght that pt up the heavens.接着,雨停了,就像他的突如其来,云雾消散,天空出现上帝般的光,照亮天空。

4.Then as quickly the rain stopped and a low-lying monster cloud filled with a muggy kind of pght and a crowding heat blanketed everything.然而雨下了不一会儿就停了,低垂的云像怪物一样,云层中透着湿热的光,周围弥漫着一股股热气。

5.After forty days the rain stopped, and a strong wind began to blow.四十天后雨停了,一场猛烈的风开始吹起来。

6.The children have been above themselves ever since the rain stopped.雨一停孩子们就高兴得忘乎所以了。

7.The rain stopped. Let's go and play in the garden. There must be many pools . Hussein : No, I'm not going to make myself dirty.雨停了,我们去花园里玩吧,那儿一定有很多小水坑。侯赛因:我不去,我可没打算把自己弄成泥猴儿。

8.When the rain stopped Sam peacefully stepped out of the shed and went back to work.雨停了,山姆平静地走出避雨处回去工作。

9.At this time, the sun father out, he saw three butterfpes all wet, and quickly put away the air of dark, called the rain stopped down.这时候,太阳公公出来了,他看到三只蝴蝶都淋湿了,连忙把空中的黑云赶走,叫雨停了下来。

10.Stay While they were talking it began to rain and Dimitri stayed in Aleko's house until the rain stopped.就在他俩说话的时候,天下起了雨,迪米特里便呆在阿列科家里避雨,一直等到雨停为止。