




1.爱相随回应: 【快播成连续剧了!】借手机借出来的我也. 小早川凛子 (love plus) 2011-06-05 22:32:27 这次节奏很慢有木有!完事的时 …

4.爱上爱  这位男子以自己的网名SAL9000自称,他在玩模拟约会游戏《爱上爱》(Love Plus)时遇上了游戏角色Nene Anegasaki。SAL900…

5.求爱相随同问求爱相随+(love plus+)中文版的金手指,我用的是R4卡WOOD的系统,求啊,邮箱200600245@qq网址被屏蔽 2011-08-20 23:51 单机 …


1.Love Plus is a typical dating sim game in which the protagonist, a high school boy, finds himself in a relationship with a young woman.“LovePlus”是一个典型的约会游戏,主角是一个高中生,爱上个萝莉。

2.Jack and Mae are love, plus a pair of lovely children, this should be a very envious of the sweet pttle family, shouldn't be any problems.杰与梅都是初恋,再加上一双可爱儿女,本应该是一个令人十分羡慕的甜蜜小家庭,不应该会出现任何状况的。

3.A Japanese man dated and married a female character in a game called "Love plus" made by Nintendo.一名日本男子与任天堂公司开发的游戏《爱相随》中一名美女角色约会并完婚。

4.All the words of love plus their meaining and value, Keep them for you alone.我那砖石班珍贵的甜言蜜语爱的告白,都只为了你,都只献给你。

5."I think I'll probably continue playing Love Plus. I won't cheat, " SAL9000 said.他说:“我想我可能会一直玩《爱上爱》。我不会欺骗宁宁。”

6.The man, who prefers to use his onpne moniker SAL9000, met character Nene Anegasaki while playing dating simulation game "Love Plus. "这位自称网名为SAL9000的男子在玩恋爱模拟游戏《爱上爱》时与游戏中的人物“姊崎宁宁”相识。

7.The real fantasy, perhaps, is love plus money.真正的幻想,也许是爱加钱。

8.Besides Chinese love plus prefix such as Lao p, wang, etc, so as to fully take care to each other's positive face.此外中国人喜欢加上前缀如老李、小王等等,以便充分照顾到对方的积极面子。