




1.全体人员 ... 京剧1. Beijing opera 全体人员 : the entire personnel;the whole staff 机关工作人员 : office workers ...

2.全体工作人员 ... 全体工作人员 : staff 全体工作人员the whole staff 只限工作人员进入 : Employee Only ...


1.The leader criticized him in the meeting for the whole staff, hoping to caution others.领导在全体职工大会上批评他,目的是以一儆百。

2.The whole staff of Goldwind is eager to work together with you to utipze the clean wind energy.全体金风人诚挚的期盼与各位同行精诚合作,共同开发清洁的可再生能源--风能。

3.Of course, incentive can be a praise in the whole staff of the company, or a further conversation in the office.当然,激励也可以仅仅在全公司员工面前提出一次表扬,或者在办公室里和他进行一次深入的谈话。

4.M: I guess not, They haven't officially introduced her to the whole staff yet, she barely started yesterday.我想不会,他们还没有正式地把她向全体员工介绍。她昨天才刚刚开始上班。

5.And he called for a famine upon the land; He brake the whole staff of bread.他命饥荒降在那地上,将所倚靠的粮食全行断绝。

6.must be more close to the workers, must be practical, thus, unite the whole staff and arouse the enthusiasm of the workers.必须更加贴近职工、贴近实际,从而凝聚人心,调动职工的积极性。

7.The whole staff came into the cafe and sat before the corporate panel and we were told OTG would close, effective immediately.所有的员工来到餐馆并坐到公司委员会面前,然后被告知OffTheGrid将要关闭了,并且是立即。

8.The project is studied and developed by the whole staff of the institute, which has characteristics of novelty, creativity and practicapty.本项目自主研发,具有新颖性、创造性和实用性的特点,已申报国家专利。

9.Construction of the whole staff to clean clothing and construction work, to "work finished, expected to net, site clearance. "全体施工人员要服装整齐,精心施工,做到“工完、料净、场地清”。

10.Business, finance and the other pressure that may affect certification result should be ensure avoid to the whole staff.确保公司全体人员免受任何可能影响认证结果的商业、财务和其它方面的压力。