




1.热键 Customize UI 定制用户界面 Hotkeys 快捷键 Colors 颜色 ...

3.快捷键设置 3.7 Performance Settpngs( 性能设置) 3.8 Hotkeys( 快捷键设置) 3.9 Colors( 颜色设置) ...

4.热键控制 “Ignore identical captures” 则是忽略重复的捕捉(图8)。 “Hotkeys热键方式。 “Lock values” 用来锁定捕捉区域的大小。 ...

6.可视化快捷键 ... 雪梨记事本_ Pear Note 可视化快捷键_ HotKeys 全方面记事_ Catch Notes ...

7.常用快速键 ... Webpage Redirection (网页重新导向) Hotkeys 常用快速键 iPhone Video 录影相关 …

8.快捷键设定 Entire Screen: 整个萤幕 Hotkeys快捷键设定 F11:ScreenDraw: 画笔 ...


1.With Hyperspace, you can customize every bit of your Spaces with different desktop pictures, naming on each space or even hotkeys.使用Hyperspace,你可以使用不同的桌面图片自定义每一个空间。

2.Pets can still be set to hotkeys by dragging them to the hotkey bar, much pke any other spell or abipty.宠物可以使用热键并被绑定到动作条中,非常像其他的法术和能力。

3.Several new hotkeys, and several behaviors on existing hotkeys have been added to help players with managing their army in C&C 4.C4中增加了几个新的快捷键以及几种基于以前快捷键的状态,来帮助玩家操控自己的部队。

4.You can make some ready- to - use messages, and later on when you need to send them, just press hotkeys and there they go.您可以进行一些随时可以使用的信息,以及后来当您需要给他们,只要按下热键,并有他们去。

5.Observers of multiplayer matches can no longer use hotkeys to affect spectated players'production queues.多人观看比赛不会因为使用热键影响其观看比赛者的生产编队。

6.It will let you record a voice memo or phone call anytime by simply pressing hotkeys of your own choices.通过你自己设置的热键在任何时候都可以录下语音或通话。

7.These keys are labeled with the Windows logo. Hotkeys that involve the Windows key are reserved for use by the operating system.也就是那些标上了Windows图标的键.涉及该键的热键是为操作系统预留的。

8.Look over these hotkeys on the Game Notes page and remember that they are always available during game play via the Help button.在GameNotes页面上,你可以看到这些热键,并且只要你点击了帮助按钮,你就一定可以看到这些热键。

9.Windows operations Hotkeys to minimize, maximize, restore the active window.视窗操作热键,尽量减少,最大限度地恢复活动窗口。

10.It is now possible to rebind the default hotkeys for camera controls.可以自定义镜头控制的快捷键了。