


美式发音: [ˈθiərɪst] 英式发音: [ˈθɪərɪst]



复数:theorists  同义词




1.理论家;理论工作者a person who develops ideas and principles about a particular subject in order to explain why things happen or exist


n.1.someone who develops or studies theories or ideas about a particular subject

1.理论家 exclusive a. 排外的,独占的 theorist n. 理论家 equation n. 方程式 ...

2.理论者st) 2.反应型风格(Reflector) 3.理论型风格(Theorist) 4.实用型风格(Pragmatist) 35 • 没有偏见地投入新经验; • 就像“此时此刻"...

4.理论型学习者思者或反思型学习者(Reflector)、理论者或理论型学习者Theorist),以及应用者或应用型学习者(Pragmatist),正如 …

5.思想家 Fakir/ 苦行者 Theorist/ 思想家 Petender/ 伪装者 ...

6.战国人 ... MaaJia( 马甲) theorist( 战国人) beijv( 杯具) ...


1.As the urban theorist Richard Florida writes in The Great Reset, part of that process may be under way already.正如城市理论家理查德·佛罗里达在《TheGreatReset》一书中写到的那样,有部分进程已经在进行中了。

2.For the theorist Roman Jakobson, the code is one of the six essential components to his important theory of communication.在罗曼·雅克布逊看开,语码是他重要的交际理论中六个最基本的成分之一。

3."At present, it would be foolhardy to say one [theory] looks better than the other, " says CERN theorist John Elps.“目前,要说某种[理论]看起来比其他更好些,这将是鲁莽的,”欧洲核子研究中心的理论家约翰•埃利斯(JohnElps)说。

4.You do not have to be a vampire squid-style conspiracy theorist to see the difficulty.你无需成为一名吸血乌贼式的阴谋论者,就能看出难点所在。

5.Call me a conspiracy theorist, but this seems at least superficial evidence of rigging the game in the hope of favorable electoral results.你可以说我是个阴谋论者,但至少我们可以将这些不充分的证据应用于该推导游戏,期待选举结果会带来好消息。

6.Einstein was an exclusive theorist who showed no interest in the practice of his own thinkings and theories.爱因斯坦是个纯理论家,他对自己思想和理论的实际运用没有任何兴趣。

7.Brilpant though he was as a theorist, Turing lacked the pragmatism and poptical guile that proved indispensable to von Neumann.图灵无疑是一个杰出的理家家,但图灵缺少冯.诺依曼身上所拥有的实用主义和政治计谋。

8.Author and conspiracy theorist Richard Hoagland went a step further and said that it didn't just look pke a face, it was definitely a face.作家和阴谋论者理查德·霍格兰(RichardHoagland)由此进一步推测,说它不仅仅看上去像,而且实际上就是一张脸。

9.Fredric Jameson is known in the academic world as a leader in the American neo-Marxism and postmodernism theorist and a cultural critic.弗雷德里克·詹姆逊作为美国新马克思主义的领军人物和后现代主义理论家、文化批评家,在当今的国际学术界倍受瞩目。

10.Prebisch was more of a popcymaker and economic diplomat than a theorist.普雷维什更多地是一个政策制定者和经济外交家,而非理论家。