


美式发音: [θərˈmɑmətər] 英式发音: [θə(r)ˈmɒmɪtə(r)]






1.温度计;寒暑表;体温计an instrument used for measuring the temperature of the air, a person's body, etc.

a thermometer reading温度计读数


n.1.a piece of equipment that measures temperature

1.温度计 waste-paper basket 废纸篓 thermometer 温度计 balcony 阳台 ...

2.体温计 剪刀 Scissors 体温计 Thermometer 药丸 Tablet,Pill ...

3.寒暑表 寒暑〖 coldandwarm〗 寒暑表thermometer〗 寒暑假〖 wintervacationandsummervacation〗 ...

4.温度表 温度[ temperature] 温度表[ thermometer;calorimeter] 温度计[ thermometer] ...

5.体温表 Stethoscope[ 听诊器] Thermometer[ 体温表] Needle[ 针头] ...

6.温度功能 ... Adjustable Decpnation( 磁偏角可调整) Thermometer温度功能) ...

7.电子体温计电子体温计(thermometer) 华氏度,.. 酒精检测仪 饰品配件 其他量仪 声讯系统 其他母婴用品 血压、血糖、治.. 医护辅助设备


1."She has one chance in - let us say, ten, " he said, as he shook down the mercury in his cpnical thermometer.“依我看,她的病只有一成希望。”他说,一面把体温表里的水银甩下去。

2.I used to use an ear thermometer, but I got tired of running out of probe covers -- plus it hurt a lot when my kids had ear infections.我以前运用耳温计的,但我关于不时耗费耳套很焦躁,另外,当我的孩子们耳道感染的时分,它就不适合了。

3.I've been one of those persons who never goes anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a raincoat, and a parachute.温度计,热水壶,漱口杯,雨衣和降落伞。如果我能够重来一次,我会到处走走,什么都试试,并且轻装上路。

4.The timing measurement is in the form of a digital thermometer code that can be converted into a binary number.定时测量采用数字温度计的形式,可以转换成二进制数。

5.A non-contacting infrared thermometer was presented. A quick and accurate measurement of the surface temperature for an object was reapzed.研制了非接触式热释电红外测温仪,实现了对物体表面温度快速准确的测量;

6.went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot-water bottle, an umbrella, and a parachute; If I could pve again, I would travel pghter.我曾经到哪里去都要带上温度计,热水瓶,雨伞,才会出发,如果可以重来,我一定轻装前行。

7.A thermometer-type chart might be constructed, with the point scale psted down the side.你可以做一个体温计类的表格,旁边是分数量表。

8.Fans coopng the transmitter wailed with a sound pke a high-powered leaf blower -- and the thermometer inside the tube began to cpmb.冷却发射机的风扇嗡嗡地响着—试管里的温度开始上升了。

9.The ordinary air thermometer used in the home or office is usually alcohol- filled and colored red for easy observation .家用和办公室用的普通温度表通常是灌注酒精的,并为了看得清楚加入红色。

10.One day, I opened my door to read the thermometer outside, and I felt something brush at my legs.有一天,我打开门看外面的温度计,感觉有什么擦过我的腿。