




1.他们是我的 she’s my sister 她是我的妹妹 they are my 他们是我的 I Love My Family 我爱我的家人 ...

2.它们都是我的 ... 你怎么去 null 它们都是我的 They are my 你去上海出差吗? You go to Shanghai business trip? ...

3.其复数用法a. 准备物品:几个同样的物品,说明其复数用法They are my .)3. 关主: a. 准备物品:五种复数n.的图片 b. 询问:What ar…


1.For unto me the children of Israel are servants; they are my servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.因为以色列人都是我的仆人,是我从埃及地领出来的。我是耶和华你们的神。

2.They are my own flesh and blood . It's hard for me to see them suffering.他们都是我的骨肉,我不忍看到他们受苦。

3.They are my cherished memories which, ready as I am to share with you, I would pke to indulge in by myself for a while.这些是珍藏于我心中的回忆,尽管我愿意和你共同分享,但我还是想独自沉浸与这些往事中,品味一番,细数一阵。

4.In other words, they know they are my main source of income and they're waiting for me to be hungry enough to break the strike.换句话说,他们知道自己是我主要的收入来源,正在等我无以为继的时候自己放弃罢工。

5.What I do feel is an instant affinity with beings who suffer, whether they are my own, whatever that means, or not.但我的确能与遭受痛苦的人立即产生感情共鸣,不管他们是否与我同类——不管同类的含义是什么。

6."They are my daughter's, " he said as he handed the box to me.“这是我女儿的,”他把盒子递给我说。

7.I have many friend. Do you know who they are? Are they my pet? No. Are they my classmates? No. Let me tell you: they are my favourite book.我有很多朋友。你知道他们是谁?他们是我的宠物?不是!他们我的同学吗?让我告诉你:他们是我喜爱的书。

8.No matter if it fits you, but at least they are my thoughts, thank you! ! !不管这对你觉得适不适合,但至少,这是我的想法,谢谢!

9.Forrest: Mamma says my back's crippled pke a question mark. They are going to make me as straight as an arrow. They are my magic shoes.阿甘:我妈说我的背弓得像个问号,穿这双鞋会让我像箭一样直,这是我的宝鞋。

10.From henceforth, they are my faithful servants and will be the true governors of the Universe, while I shall go into Contemplation.从今以后,他们是我忠实的仆人,是世界真正的统治者,而我将为你们祈祷。