


网络释义:世界核电运营者协会(World Association of Nuclear Operators);世界核能发电协会;世界核营运者协会


1.世界核电运营者协会(World Association of Nuclear Operators),成员包括核一、核二、三厂具核电厂运转经验的员工、世界核电厂协会(WANO) 及美国核能治理委员会(Nuclear Regulatory …

7.世界核电运行组织  根据世界核电运行组织(WANO)的统计,核电厂主变压器发生故障的概率约为10%。本次事件虽然没有影响核安全,但因维修约 …


1.'We don't have such difficulty inside WANO but the information we get from members is confidential, ' he said.斯特里克说说,在协会内部,我们没有信息不透明的问题,但我们从成员单位获取的信息是保密的。

2.WANO is considering making peer review compulsory for each new plant opened by one of its members.WANO正考虑,对其成员建的每一座新核电站实施强制性“同行评审”。

3.WANO's presidency, a mostly ceremonial position, is currently held by He Yu, chairman of Guangdong Nuclear.世界核电运营者协会总裁目前由中广核董事长贺禹担任。这是一个名誉职位。

4.For now, WANO is telpng its member companies to consider how a power blackout or loss of reactor coopng water would affect them.现在,世界核电运营者协会正告知其成员公司,应考虑断电或缺少反应堆冷却水会对核电站运营造成何种影响。

5.'WANO is not an advocate of nuclear energy.斯特里克说,协会并不倡导核能利用。

6.Statistics and Analysis of WANO Human Factor EventsWANO人因事件统计及分析

7.Study on WANO chemistry performance indicator of 1st cycle in Ling'ao Nuclear Power Station岭澳核电站第1燃料循环WANO化学指标状况研究

8.WANO; World Association of Seaweed Processors;世界海藻加工者协会;