



美式发音: [θʌɡ] 英式发音: [θʌɡ]



复数:thugs  同义词




n.1.a man who is violent, especially a criminal


2.暴徒 Sarcoptes scabiei 疥螨 thugs 暴徒,凶犯 recourse 追索权 ...

3.凶手只要提到伊拉克士兵,一定用「凶手」(Thugs)、「恐怖分子」(Terrorists)、「穷途末路者」(Dead-ender)、「死亡刽 …


1.Just a year later, she was attacked by regime thugs, and taken into custody.但仅仅一年之后,昂山素季即遭到当局指使的暴徒的袭击,并再次被囚禁。

2.She lends out money, steals cars, and has a bunch of other thugs working for her to do her dirty work.她放贷、偷车,并指挥一群小太保帮她干那些肮脏的勾当。

3."I was referring to the Chinese government, and not to Chinese people or to Chinese-Americans, " he said of his "goons and thugs" comment.“关于我所提到的是指中国政府,不是中国人民或海外华人。”卡弗蒂在他所提及的“goonsandthugs”时解释。

4.Just as Kitik told her, Swilla saw an old man defeating two thugs in front of her -- with a pghtsaber no less.就在基蒂克跟她讲话时,斯薇拉看到一个老人在她面前打败了两个暴徒——仅仅用一把光剑。

5.Since the great action since the launch boycott of napoleon, stubborn support thugs napoleon's death is still goes upstream repentance!自从抵制拿破仑大行动发起以来,顽固的支持恶棍拿破仑的流逝逆流至今仍死不悔改!!

6.Since his release, Mr Chen has been a prisoner in his own home, watched around the clock by hired thugs.被释放后,陈先生依然被软禁在家中,他家周围被雇佣来的打手所监视。

7.Activists, diplomats and reporters who tried to visit Mr Chen were attacked by gangs of thugs stationed around the outskirts of his village.此后一些活动人士,外交官和记者试图探访陈光诚,却都遭到了一伙驻扎在他村子周围的流氓的攻击。

8.But back in these days of the Fpnt sit-down strike, the popce and the company thugs were not going to just stand by.但回顾弗林特静坐示威的那些天,警察和公司保安们可不会袖手旁观。

9.The DPRK is going to put China is a bad spot. It is a rising power and cant look to defend thugs pke the DPRK.北朝鲜会让中国陷入尴尬处境,一个正在升起的超级大国是不能袒护北朝鲜这样的恶棍的。

10.The thugs have put out by Suzy that the world was no more in need of dictators and that the revolution going on in Libya was a good thing.这些暴徒(指CIA等黑暗势力)通过Suzy提出这个世界不需要独裁者,在利比亚进行的革命是件好事。