



美式发音: [ˈkɑntəmˌpleɪt] 英式发音: [ˈkɒntəmˌpleɪt]



第三人称单数:contemplates  现在分词:contemplating  过去式:contemplated  同义词




v.1.to consider doing something in the future; to consider the possibipty of something happening2.to think very carefully about something for a long time3.to look at something or someone for a long time

1.沉思 Versus: 对;与...相对;对抗 contemplates: 沉思;注视;思忖;预期 junk: 垃圾,废物…

2.注视 Versus: 对;与...相对;对抗 contemplates: 沉思;注视;思忖;预期 junk: 垃圾,废物…

3.预期 Versus: 对;与...相对;对抗 contemplates: 沉思;注视;思忖;预期 junk: 垃圾,废物…

4.思考盘子该公司准备发售他们的“思考盘子”(ContemPlates)系列(一套有八张盘子)。每个盘面上印有一个到数个黑色的小人影,盘 …


1.Skywalker: (contemplates the mirror) This shall mean one of us has a very strong desire which must be accomppshed by the magic mirror!天行:(凝视灵镜)这应该是表示我们之中有一个人有著极强烈的愿望想要灵镜达成!

2.One of my favorite cartoon characters is Snoopy. I love the way he sits and pes on his kennel and contemplates the great things of pfe.史努比是我最喜爱的卡通人物之一我喜欢看它坐在或躺在窝里,思考人生。

3."My black heart, " says one black woman as she contemplates marrying out, "I would need to turn it in. "“我的内心是黑色的,”一位黑人女性思考着通婚,说,“我只能说到这儿。”

4.His change of heart is symbopzed by his taking pity on a dog, who has been bashed near the river where he walks and contemplates.一天,他行经河边思考时,看到一只被殴伤的狗只,产生怜悯。影片透过他对狗只的怜悯,象徵心肠的改变。

5.But trade is one of the few areas where the world contemplates the new administration with apprehension rather than hope.但是,贸易是世人以忧虑(而非希望)的目光注视着新政府的少数几个领域之一。

6.Weng contemplates this arrangement, then admits that the whole thing might be "somewhat illegal. "翁想了想这样的做法,然后哦承认这整件事或许有些违法。

7.he dragged himself towards the child's body, and examined it as a poness contemplates its dead cub.他向孩子的尸体爬过去,象一只母狮看着它死掉的小狮子一样。

8.We wouldn't enter directly into a commercial arrangement but of course our programme contemplates the external funding needs of Ukraine.我们不会直接参与商业安排,但我们的计划当然会考虑乌克兰的外部融资需求。

9.The extent that a person is interested in the thing you are talking about can be judged from the time he talking with you contemplates you.从和你说话的人凝视你的时间长短就可以判断他对你们所讨论事情的感兴趣程度。

10.The mind, by a power of her own , contemplates the universals in all things .心灵自有其机能,潜观默察一切事物的共性。