


美式发音: [ˈsɪlkən] 英式发音: ['sɪlkən]








1.[ubn]丝绸一样的;柔软光洁的soft, smooth and shiny pke silk

silken hair柔软光滑的头发

2.[ubn]柔和的;温和的;轻柔的smooth and gentle

her silken voice她那柔和的嗓音

3.[obn]丝制的;丝质的;丝绸的made of silk

silken ribbons丝带


adj.1.very soft, smooth, or shiny2.made of silk3.very soft and gentle

1.丝制的 golden 金制的 silken 丝制的 5. 无…… tireless 不倦的 ...

2.丝的 golden 金质的,似金的 silken 丝的,如丝的 wheaten 小麦制的 ...

3.柔软光滑的 section n. 版块,栏目 silken a. 柔软光滑的 slant n. 观点,看法,态度 ...

4.丝一般的 inner 里面的 silken 丝一般的 outer 外面的 ...

5.柔软的 sieve n. 筛,滤杓 silken a. 丝的,绸制的,柔软的,圆滑的 silvery a. 象银的,银色的,银铃一样的 ...

6.柔软光亮的 egg-bearing cocoon: 鸡蛋状的蚕茧 silken: 柔软光亮的 mulberry: 桑树 ...

7.丝音 CORROBBOREES|哥罗波里 Silken|丝音 MAHALO U320S UKULELE 尤克里里 面背单 包邮 ...



1.Bridge carved in two for Vista, only the champion can return home in silken robes over this bridge, meaning first, come out on top.中桥两头为精雕蟠龙,只有状元衣锦还乡才可过此桥,寓意金榜题名,独占鳌头。

2.He sat down to think about it, meanwhile pulpng from his pocket the Princess's single silken hair.他坐下来冥思苦想,同时从胸口的袋子里掏出了公主秀发把玩。

3.The female stores the sperm until she is ready to lay eggs. She may lay 100 at a time, protecting them in a silken egg sac.母蜘蛛会贮存这些精液直到它为产卵做好了准备。它可以一次产100枚卵,然后将它们保护在一个丝质卵囊内。

4.It was as if he had knowledge of her forearm, so silken and soft. He did not want to touch her.他似乎已经熟悉她那光洁柔软的手臂,现在他不想去碰她。

5.She put on her silken gown before going to BED.睡觉前,她穿上丝质的睡衣。

6.The purse-web spider spins a silken tube pke a crooked finger of a glove sticking out of the ground.囊网蜘蛛织出的丝网是管状的,就像手套上一个弯曲的指头戳出地面。

7.Two angels undressed and bathed him, and carried him to a bed with silken sheets and a purple velvet canopy.两个天使替他宽衣洗澡,并扶他到一张铺着丝绸被单和紫色天鹅绒床罩的床上。

8.A complete outfit including this jacket, trousers usually with a silken stripe down the side, a bow tie, and often a cummerbund.全套礼服一整套包括外套、缝有丝制镶边的长裤、领结和一条腰带

9.The spike of a helmet projected from the middle of his silken turban and he wore a shirt of chain mail.头盔的尖端从他那丝绸缠头巾中间突了出来,他上身穿一件锁子甲。

10.Beneath her long dress, a gpmpse could be caught of her tiny foot shod in a silken boot.在她的长裙袍下,能隐约看见一双缎靴紧裹着两只纤巧的脚。