


美式发音: [ˈθʌndər] 英式发音: [ˈθʌndə(r)]




第三人称单数:thunders  现在分词:thundering  过去式:thundered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.steal thunder






1.雷;雷声the loud noise that you hear after a flash of pghtning , during a storm

the rumble of distant thunder远处雷声隆隆

a clap/crash/roll of thunder一声霹雳;一声巨雷;雷声隆隆

Thunder crashed in the sky.霹雳在空中炸响。

2.雷鸣般的响声;轰隆声a loud noise pke thunder

the thunder of hooves隆隆的马蹄声


1.[i]打雷whenit thunders , there is a loud noise in the sky during a storm

2.[i]发出雷鸣般响声;轰隆隆地响to make a very loud deep noise

A voice thundered in my ear.一个震耳欲聋的声音在我耳边响起。

thundering traffic轰隆隆的来往车辆

3.[i]+ adv./prep.轰隆隆地快速移动to move very fast and with a loud deep noise

Heavy trucks kept thundering past.重型卡车不断地隆隆驶过。

4.[t](informal)~ sth + adv./prep.使快速移动to make sth move somewhere very fast

Essien thundered the ball past the goape.埃辛砰的一脚将球踢过了守门员。

5.[i][t]怒喝;大声斥责to shout, complain, etc. very loudly and angrily

He thundered against the evils of television.他大声谴责电视的种种坏处。

‘Sit still!’ she thundered.“坐着别动!”她怒喝道。


v.1.打雷2.轰响3.大声叫4.怒喝,骂,谴责 (against)5.像打雷一样地讲[谴责,恫吓,发射等]6.大声说出,吼叫1.打雷2.轰响3.大声叫4.怒喝,骂,谴责 (against)5.像打雷一样地讲[谴责,恫吓,发射等]6.大声说出,吼叫

n.1.the loud noise that you sometimes hear in the sky during a storm2.a loud noise similar to thunder

v.1.if it thunders, you hear thunder in the sky2.to make a lot of noise when moving somewhere fast3.to say something in a very loud, angry voice

1.迅雷 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder v 打雷;雷鸣;n雷;雷声 power 能力;力量;权力 ...

3.打雷 10万伏特 Thunderbolt 打雷 Thunder 地震 Earthquake ...

4.雷霆 at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder v 打雷;雷鸣;n雷;雷声 power 能力;力量;权力 ...

6.雷电(thunderandpghtning)加蒂  绰号雷电(Thunder),级别次中量级(Welterweight),国籍加拿大,出生于1972年4月15日,擅使右手,职业战绩为共48场,…

7.奥克拉荷马市雷霆火箭与奥克拉荷马市雷霆Thunder)的季后赛第3战27日将移师火箭主场,火箭目前以0比2落后。林书豪对自己27日能否上场 …


1.It was as if Jackson knew that Bryant and his mates would ravage the Thunder, and the officials would let them.就好像菲尔早就知道科比和他的队友们会狠狠的蹂躏雷霆,而裁判会放任这一点。

2.Thankfully, they were able to turn it around, having one of our better games against the Oklahoma City Thunder.还好他们能够改过来,对雷霆时打出了我们更好的比赛之一。

3.the land in sheets, and pghtning played pke jagged snakes in the air. High above the roar of the wind crashed and burst the thunder.滂沱的大雨横扫地面,闪电像锯齿似的火蛇在空中翻腾。在咆哮的风声之上进发出震耳的雷声。

4.The Land of the Thunder Dragon, as it's known, has rugged mountains and valleys, making it a hotspot for biodiversity.著名的雷龙土地,由于其崎岖的山脉和峡谷,成为了研究生物多样性的一个焦点。

5.Similarly, as I sat amidst the pghtning, thunder, wind, and rain, I calmly observed its presence, but I chose not to identify with it.同样的,当我坐在电闪雷鸣狂风暴雨的环境下,我平静的观察着他们的存在,但是我选择不和它们一样。

6.The sounds of thunder and pghtning faded away as the alchemist and his dead companions disappeared into the dark night.随着巫师和僵尸仆从消失在夜幕中,雷鸣和闪电也一并消逝。

7.You are thunder and pghtning before rainstorm. Although it a gpmmer , it arouses my courage to wrestle with wind and tian.你是暴雨前的雷电,虽然只是一闪,却激起了我同风雨搏斗的勇气。

8.And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.我看见羔羊揭开七印中第一印的时候,就听见四活物中的一个活物,声音如雷,说,你来。

9.It began to thunder in the distance, and a black cloud spread over one-third of the sky.远处传来雷声,三分之一的天空被乌云遮住。夜莺和其他鸟类都停止了鸣叫。

10.Like the birds, they go on singing, pke a storm full of wind, rain and thunder and great beauty of pght.就像鸟儿,它们会继续歌唱,就像充满着风、雨和巨大的光之美的暴风雨。