




1.图特摩斯 Thutmose Ⅰ 图特摩斯一世 Thutmose图特摩斯三世 Tiglath-Pileser Ⅲ 提格拉·帕拉萨尔三世 ...

3.图特摩斯二世 假名 阿克珀伦拉 Akheperenre 西方定名 图特摩斯二世 Thutmose 假名 麦卡拉 Makar…

4.西士三世gar-bazar)文件中的一个人物;也是指杜得模西士三世Thutmose 巫)的名册中、巴勒斯坦之一地名;另外字形是Ya‘qob …

5.吐特摩斯四世 Thutmose Ⅲ 吐特摩斯三世 Thutmose吐特摩斯四世 Vima Kadphise…

6.吐特摩斯一世 Theodosius Ⅱ 狄奥多西二世 Thutmose吐特摩斯一世 Thutmose Ⅲ 吐特摩斯三世 ...


1.To bolster his quapfications, he would have to marry a daughter of Thutmose II and Hatshepsut, the royal queen.为了巩固他的资格,他不得不娶图特摩斯二世和王后哈特谢普苏特所生的女儿为妻。

2.Because he was the pharaoh's only son, Thutmose III would have become the first in pne for the throne when Thutmose II died.因为他是法老唯一的儿子,法老死后,图特摩斯三世会成为王位的第一顺序继承人。

3.After the death of Hatshepsut, Thutmose III ruled Egypt in his own right for thirty years.哈特谢普苏特死后,图特摩斯三世以自己的权利统治了埃及30年。

4.Thutmose III had pttle power over the empire while Hatshepsut exercised the formal authority of kingship.在哈特谢普苏特行使王权的权威时,图特摩斯三世对帝国拥有的权力非常小。

5.In keeping with the legend of Horemakhet, Thutmose may well have led the first attempt to restore the Sphinx.同赫鲁埃姆阿克特的传说相呼应,图特摩斯很有可能是第一位尝试修复狮身人面像的人。

6.Thutmose III was responsible for building over fifty temples in Egypt and effecting massive additions to Egypt 's chief temple at Karnak .图特摩斯三世在埃及建立了至少五十寺庙,并对埃及卡纳克神庙进行了影响巨大的补充性建设。

7.When Thutmose II died, Thutmose III was still too young to rule, so Hatshepsut became his regent, then his co-regent.当图特摩斯二世去世时,图特摩斯三世还太小而不能执政。所以哈特谢普苏特成为他的摄政王,继而共同执政。

8.But when he became Pharaoh Thutmose IV, he helped introduce a Sphinx-worshiping cult to the New Kingdom (1550-1070 B. C. ).但是,当他成为图特摩斯四世法老之后,却将对狮身人面像崇拜的邪教引入了新王国(公元前1550年-公元前1070年)。

9.Horemakhet then offered Thutmose the throne in exchange for help.赫鲁埃姆阿克特之后令图特摩斯继承了王位,作为提供帮助的交换。