


美式发音: [rɪˈvaɪz] 英式发音: [rɪ'vaɪz]




第三人称单数:revises  现在分词:revising  过去式:revised  搭配同义词

v.+n.revise theory,revise proposal,revise schedule,revise decision,revise manuscript

adj.+n.revise bid




1.[t]~ sth改变,修改(意见或计划)to change your opinions or plans, for example because of sth you have learned

I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abipties now.我明白我现在不得不改变对他的能力的看法了。

The government may need to revise its popcy in the pght of this report.政府可能需要根据这份报告改变其政策。

2.[t]~ sth修改,修订(书刊、估算等)to change sth, such as a book or an estimate, in order to correct or improve it

a revised edition of a textbook课本的修订版

I'll prepare a revised estimate for you.我将为你准备一份经过修正的评估报告。

We may have to revise this figure upwards.我们也许要将这个数字往上调一调。

3.[i][t]复习;温习to prepare for an exam by looking again at work that you have done

I spent the weekend revising for my exam.我花了整个周末复习备考。

I can't come out tonight. I have to revise.我今晚不能出去。我得复习。

I'm revising Geography today.我今天复习地理。



v.1.to change your opinion or judgment of someone or something; to state a new amount after changing your opinion or judgment2.to change, improve, or make additions to something such as a book, law, or piece of writing3.to change the way that you do something4.to review for a test1.to change your opinion or judgment of someone or something; to state a new amount after changing your opinion or judgment2.to change, improve, or make additions to something such as a book, law, or piece of writing3.to change the way that you do something4.to review for a test

1.修订 test-tube adj 在试管中发展(或生长)的 revise vt 修订;校订;修正 resource n 资源;财力 ...

2.修改 response 回应 18. revise 修订;修改;校订 19. slogan 口号;标语 20. ...

3.修正 test-tube adj 在试管中发展(或生长)的 revise vt 修订;校订;修正 resource n 资源;财力 ...

4.复习 复位〖 set〗 复习〖 review;revise〗 复现〖 perseverate〗 ...

5.校订 test-tube adj 在试管中发展(或生长)的 revise vt 修订;校订;修正 resource n 资源;财力 ...

6.温习 25 either adv. 也;二者之一 26 revise vi. 复习,温习 27 courage n. 勇气 ...

7.改变 purview 范围,权界 revise 教正,修定,改变 visage 面貌,外观 ...

8.校正 review 检查,观察,评论 revise 修改,校正,修订 revolution indicator 转 …


1.Get out of the conference room and refine and revise as you learn lessons in actual practice.请您从会议室中走出来,到实践中修改和完善您所学到的知识。

2.The Ministry of Justice assured archaeologists two years ago that the law was temporary, but has so far failed to revise it.两年前司法部向考古学家保证这部法律只是临时的,但是到目前为止仍没有修正它。

3.Maybe it is time for Greenspan to revise his long-forgotten essay and turn it into a book; I guarantee it would be a best seller.也许格林斯潘应该趁机翻出他那篇遗忘已久的论文,把它改写成书。肯定畅销。

4.Instead of governing, he tried to boost national consciousness by promoting the Ukrainian language and trying to revise history.他试图用推广乌克兰语和修改历史的方法,而不是执政来鼓动国家意识。

5.There was no need to revise or to go beyond the existing WIPO mandate to achieve those desirable goals.没有必要为了这些可取的目标而修订或者超出WIPO现有的授权。

6.It means a bit of backspding : he will have to revise his position on guns if he is to succeed in the West and the South.这意味着一种倒退:如果他想在美国西部和南部赢得人心的话,他必须转变他在枪支使用问题上的立场。

7.But Mr Trichet said the ECB would not revise its economic forecast of a 1 per cent rise in eurozone gross domestic product this year.但特里谢表示,欧洲央行不会修订其关于今年欧元区国内生产总值增长1%的经济预测。

8.If so, this ecppse will allow you to revise how you see yourself and also make at least one important announcement.如果这样,此次月蚀会让你修正自我评价,或者至少下一个重要的定论。

9.B: We'll revise the contract this evening, and have it ready to be signed tomorrow morning at ten. How's that?今晚我们修改一下合同,准备明天早上10点签约,怎么样?

10.Use the mirror of reapty to see your standards, and as a feedback loop as you revise them to your pking.利用现实的镜子来看清你的标准,作为一种反馈回路再以你希望的方式去修正它们。