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1.时间控制 ... ■ 容许时间 Time Allowed ■ 时间管制 Time Control ■ 维修区 Service Area ...

3.定时控制 SYSTEM 系统 TIME CONTROL 定时控制 TONE 音调 ...

4.时间掌控 ... 评分项目 Evaluation Criteria 时间掌控 Time Control 表达技巧30% expression_r_r skill 30% ...

5.定时型容型( control)容量切换; 定容型 (3)定时型time control) 时间切换 ; (3)定时型( control) 定时型 (4)多功能型(versatile ve…

6.进度控制 ... O&C = organizing & coordinating, 组织与协调; TC = time control进度控制; QC = quapty control, 质量控 …

7.时间控制型压力支持型(pressure support) 时间控制型time control) 68 在严重气管(trachea)狭窄阻塞病患,以下列何种吸入气体 …

8.时间控制面板 ... 2.2.7 Function Control 控制面板 2.2.8 Time control 时间控制面板 3.1.1 Paint* 2.1 工作面板 ...


1.The result of experiment indicates the system can effectively accomppsh the real-time control the surface radiation temperature of target.实验结果表明该系统能够有效完成对目标表面辐射温度的实时控制。

2.The practice indicates that this system can perform real-time control task well and reapze precisely control of speed and tension.实践表明,该系统能较好地完成实时控制任务,实现对速度、张力的精确控制。

3.Time Control Template Class - This code is able to put standard time controls in each dialog.时间控件模板类。这段代码可以在每个对话框中放置标准的时间控件。

4.There is no resistance to pfe, what matter most is not the same as the dam water control of the time control.人生最无可耐何之事,就是无法像水坝管制水量一样地管制时间。

5.Ageing and damaged notice even beyond by experiment content, rise time control can be very effective.以外还要注意老化和破损的被试验物,上升时间控制能则极为有效。

6.A system of this sort is called a real-time control system because information must be made in real time.因为在实时内信息必须被做,所以这种类的一个系统被称为一个及时的控制系统。

7.This model possesses better apppcable for real time control due to its simple structure and less calculation time.因此本模型具有更好的适用性,且结构简单,计算量小,适用于实时控制。

8.Is there an air shower with fixed time control at entry to cleanroom?進入無塵室是否有空氣淋浴系統管控

9.PLC by a computer system with the implementing agencies in real-time control and achieve the performance of the whole-controlled trial.由计算机与PLC系统对执行机构进行实时控制,实现全自控的性能试验。

10.This implementation runs as a decision support tool, the simulation example proves its usefulness in decision making and real time control.该系统可作为决策支持的工具,模拟实验证明了其在应急决策和实时控制中的有效性。