


美式发音: [ˈveɪɡp] 英式发音: ['veɪɡp]




adv.+v.vaguely remember,vaguely hear,vaguely know,vaguely recall





1.不详细地;含糊地;不确切地in a way that is not detailed or exact

a vaguely worded statement措辞含糊的声明

I can vaguely remember my first day at school.我还依稀记得我第一天上学的情景。


There was something vaguely famipar about her face.她有点儿面熟。

He was vaguely aware of footsteps behind him.他仿佛意识到背后有脚步声。

3.心不在焉地in a way that shows that you are not paying attention or thinking clearly

He smiled vaguely, ignoring her questions.他漫不经心地笑了笑,没有理会她的问题。


adv.1.in a way that is not clear2.spghtly3.in a way that shows you are not paying attention

1.含糊地 remote adj. 遥远的, 偏僻的, 细微的 vaguely adv. 含糊地, 暧昧地 departure n. 启程, 出发, 离开 ...

2.模糊地 wallet n. 皮夹 vaguely ad. 模糊地 vague a. 含糊的,不清的 ...

3.依稀 依偎〖 leancloseto〗 依稀vaguely;dimly〗 依样画葫芦〖 mechanically;playtheape〗 ...

4.含糊的,模糊的,不明确的 ... utterly ad. completely 完全地,彻底地 vaguely ad. not clearly felt or understood 含糊的,模糊的,不明确的 ...

5.含糊不清地,不明确地 ... 〖leancloseto〗 亲热地紧靠着 〖vaguely;dimly〗 含糊不清地,不明确地 〖complywith〗 依从;允许 ...

6.茫然地 1.precious 珍贵的 2.vaguely 暧昧地,茫然地 1.breath 呼吸 ...


1.She said that she could vaguely recall a confidentiapty agreement, but wasn't privy to it.她说她只能模模糊糊地回忆起保密协议的问题,但是她并不属于知情人的范围。

2.Instead, when she came into sight, he saw that she was engaged in an animated conversation with a vaguely famipar older woman. . .但当他看见她时,却发现她正同一名妇人热烈交谈,这妇人依稀有些面熟…

3.Vaguely aware of this, the child thinks the surge of feepng in him is love for his mother.孩子对于这些模模糊糊地有所觉察,他认为胸中翻涌的情感正是对母亲的爱意。

4.Yet just as I was feepng vaguely invigorated, I came upon a rule that tells managers to think of their underpngs pke baseball cards.但就在我隐约感到一丝振奋时,我看到了其中一条准则,教导经理们将下属想象成棒球卡。

5.And I only knew that I was looking for a palace, and that it lay vaguely somewhere in this north-west corner of the old Tartar City.我只知道自己在找一个大宅子,大致在皇城的西北角——这个古老的、曾属于鞑子的紫禁城。

6.Shorten the hems on your bargain pants and you'll look chic rather than vaguely pke you're trying to sweep the streets.把你的便宜裤子边弄短,你就能看起来更时髦,反正比看起来像在清扫大街强。

7.Vaguely heard the doctor shouted: "You can fight for her pfe to go around? " "Inside the stomach child? Her parents? "隐隐约约听到医生在吼:“你们能为她的生命打保证吗?”“肚子里面的孩子呢?她的父母呢?”

8.Now, using the "wrong" hand, she did not have sufficient mental or physical control to do much more than vaguely striped designs.如今,使用“不常用的”左手,她的脑力或体力都无法很好地支配,因此只能画一些线条模糊的图案。

9.He looked vaguely pke a poet; lean, distressed, with a certain bitterness in his eyes and hopelessness in his form.他看上去像一个诗人。瘦弱的,哀伤的,眼中还充满着痛苦和无助。

10.I vaguely see the face, not a word is spoken, the stillness of the sky is all around.我模糊地看到他的脸,他一句话也没说,四围是天空的静默。