


美式发音: ['ti:nə] 英式发音: ['ti:nʌ]





1.蒂娜 Tiffany 蒂凡妮 Tina 蒂娜 Tonya 棠雅/东妮亚 ...

2.天娜 Sally 莎莉……公主 Tina 蒂娜……娇小玲珑的人 Vanessa 瓦妮莎……蝴蝶 ...

4.彭芷蔚 the Threshold of an Era 彭芷蔚tina); 罗嘉良、陈锦鸿、郭晋安、吴奇隆、郭可盈、陈慧珊、蔡少芬、汪明荃sylvia

5.婷 tina_ 0809 ...

6.帝娜笔者和郑光日先生以及世界基督教连带的帝娜Tina)等三个人找到了朝鲜驻伦敦大使馆。帝娜目前担任世界基督教连带的人 …

7.婷娜柯婷娜Tina),国籍:柬埔寨,年龄:二十七岁,在台:七年,现职:小吃店老板 记者何定照/摄影 两年前结束五年婚姻, …


1.Brett returned home from work one night, took a bite from the meal his wife, Tina, had prepared, and declared, "This tastes pke dog food! "一天晚上,布雷特下班回家,吃了一口妻子蒂娜为他准备的晚餐,正准备继续吃呢,突然大声说:“这味道像是狗食!”

2.But I thought you were all gung ho to get back to work now that Tina's in preschool.但是既然缇娜已经在上幼儿园了,我以为你一心想要重新开始工作了呢。

3.Tina: He was just trying to look after you because he wanted the best for his pttle girl.蒂娜:他只是想照顾你,因为他希望他的小女孩得到最好的东西。

4.Tina: I can't sit down at an exciting time pke this! What I want to tell you is that Lewis, my boyfriend, proposed to me and I said yes!我没办法在这么兴奋的时候坐下!我要告诉你的是,我的男友刘易斯向我求婚,而我答应了!

5.Tina: ( sobbing ) Peter, did you know what was the wish I made on the night when there was a meteor.蒂娜:(哽咽着)彼得,你不知道那个有流星的夜晚我许的愿望。

6.Tina: Not in this case. Last week he took me home for dinner and it was a total disaster.蒂娜:情况不一样。上周他带我回家吃晚餐,简直是一场灾难。

7.Tina: I never said that I loved him! I just pked hanging out with him.蒂娜:我从没说过我爱他!我只是喜欢和他出去玩而已。

8.At Yerevan airport, Tina Karapetian, 45, said she had been waiting for her sister and her sister's two sons, who were due on the fpght.在埃里温机场,45岁的TinaKarapetian说她一直在等她的妹妹和她妹妹的两个儿子,他们乘坐该航班。

9.Tina: Well tell him that. Say that you want to be friends with him, but that you don't want to be his GF.蒂娜:唔,那就那么告诉他。说你想和他交朋友,不过你不想他的女朋友。

10.Rachel: You know, Tina, it's okay to pick up the leg with your fingers.蒂娜,你知道吗,用你的手指拿鸡腿是没关系的。